The Dream

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Lauren's POV:

"Guys!" I yell towards my friends, Camila turns her head to look at me. She grins and her hand drops from her forehead.

"Lauren!" Camila beams, she jerks forwards and Dinah's torso bends out of pressure. Camila falls over Dinah's shoulder and head. Suddenly, my legs are moving quickly towards Camila, I extend my arms and wrap them around her waist. She topples into my head, her arms grip the back of my shirt, they then move up and connect around the back of my neck.

"Calm down, Camz." I chuckle, bending my knees and setting her feet on the ground. I straighten my legs and met Camila's gaze.

"You're back." Camila says, grinning from ear to ear.

"Of course," I shrug, I feel the corners of my lips twitch slightly. "Where else would I be?"

Red hue appears in blotches on Camila's cheek, she looks to the ground, breaking our eye contact. Dinah claps loudly, walking over to my side. She quits clapping and rests her elbow on my shoulder. I glance at her, my eyebrow arches.

"So cute." Dinah states, scoffing softly afterwards. "But, really, where did you go?"

"Nowhere." I reply, my eyes darting side to side.

"Really? Well, you will be going nowhere until you tell us." Dinah says, she grabs my arm and pulls me into her chest. She holds me tightly, I whip my body around trying to get out of her grasp.

"Where did you go, Lauren?" Ally asks, standing next to Camila who just stares at me with focused eyes.

"Nowhere!" I yell again, my voice raising slightly. I thrash around but it does me no good, Dinah tightens her grasp.

"Cut the crap, Laur." Dinah retorts, narrowing her eyes. "Now, where did you go?"

"Fine!" I sigh loudly, Dinah loosens her grip. Telling them won't be the end of the world. "I went to talk to Bea, I needed to tell her something."

"Oh, that's lame." Dinah says blankly, her arms fall to her sides.

"You're lame," Camila retorts point-blank to Dinah.

"Mila, sticking up for your girlfriend is not making fun of your best friend." Dinah says, she plants her hands on her hips.

Camila's cheeks burn, I find myself listening closer to the conversation than I should. "Lauren isn't my girlfriend! We are just close friends.."

Dinah smirks and scoffs slightly, she says, "Yeah, friends that b—."

"That's enough, Dinah," Normani cuts her off, Dinah sighs and lets her shoulders slump. "It's dinner time."

"Already?" I ask, inching closer to Camila without noticing it. I feel her arm brush against mine, my eyes shoot up to her's. We connect gazes and she smiles shyly.

"Yeah, already," Ally says flatly, she gestures towards the steep hill up to the mess hall. "C'mon, love birds."

"We're not love birds!" I complain, throwing my arms into the air then causally draping my arm around Camila's shoulder.

"Mhmm, okay." Ally replies, she starts to walk up the hill. I follow; walking with Camila.


"Pass me a spoon." Normani nudges me with her elbow.

"Um, no," Dinah replies from across the table, she stuffs another bite of spaghetti in her mouth. "Why do you even need a spoon?"

"First of all, I'm not talking to you, Dinah." Normani retorts, glaring at the girl in front of her. "Second, I need a spoon for my peas."

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