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Two hours later-

I sit in the main cabin with my knees against my chest. I wrap my arms around them, pulling them closer. Resting my head on my knees, I glance at the door. When will she come back?

Shawn, who is sitting next to me, nudges me with his elbow. I glance wearily over at him, he purses his lips.

"I know it's hard, Lauren," Shawn rubs my shoulder, trying to comfort me. "But you did what was right. Camila knew she couldn't save you but she thought she could save herself. She will return."

"I hope you're right." I mumble, relaxing my neck again.

The door swings open, creaking as it does so. My eyes immediately stare at the door, eager to know who is coming in. Charlie walks in, his head hung low. I sigh, setting my chin on my knees. It wasn't Camila.

"Lauren!" Charlie exclaims when he notices us. "Shawn! I'm glad you two are okay.. But where is Ariana, Daya, Bea, and Camila?"

"I'm over here, Charlie!" Ariana retorts from across the room. She is in deep conversation with Mr. Legend, who rises from his chair.

"Charlie," I say softly, collecting Charlie's attention. "Bea is dead."

Charlie looks as if someone stabbed him in the chest. His lips gape open, and he stares off into space. "Wha—? How?"

"Harry." Shawn and I both reply at the same time.

Charlie doesn't respond, he just sits beside Shawn, his head buried in his hands. Shawn looks over to him with sad eyes, and he starts to comfort him.

"What happened to Bea's body?" I ask Mr. Legend.

"I took it to the place where she would of wanted to be buried." Mr. Legend rubs his temples, sighing. "I've know Bea for a long time, and I know she wanted to buried in the forest. So, I got in my car and drove her to a graveyard closest to the forest, and I buried her without a gravestone."

"Wow.." I mutter, my voice trailing off.

"Yeah," Mr. Legend replies. "I hope the same fate doesn't go for Camila as well. I hope she knows where to meet us, I mean, I made it pretty clear that this is the safest place for us."

As he is saying this, the door swings open again. It's Camila. She walks in with someone cradled in her arms, and tears flowing down her cheeks silently. I fight the urge to hug her right this second because I can't, she is holding a dead person.

"Mr. Legend," Camila says, not noticing me. "Daya ran in front of me while Brad and I were fighting, and Brad accidentally killed her with white lines instead of me."

"It's okay, Camila, w—" Mr. Legend starts, taking Daya from her.

"It's not okay!" Camila shouts, letting Mr. Legend take Daya anyway. "She is dead and it's all my fault."

"But, little do you see, someone is very much alive because of you." Mr. Legend smiles, gesturing towards me.

Camila turns around, confused. Her warm eyes focus on me, and her face lights up. "Lauren!" She exclaims, running towards me.

I stand up, my arms open wide. She runs into my arms, wrapping her arms around my stomach. I clasp my arms around her neck, squeezing her tightly. I kiss her forehead, lingering while resting my nose on her skin. I feel her cling onto my shirt, her grasp tightening.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She whispers into my shoulder, and I can feel the smile spread across her lips.

"I'm so happy you're alive and with me right now, Camz." I grin, releasing myself from Camila.

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