The Battle pt: 1

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"Camila!" Bea exclaims, running up to us. "Lauren! Hurry, get your head in the game!"

I nod, Camila and I exchange glances. I run the opposite direction, towards the Gray spirit chasing Ariana. While running to her, I make the Water sign and dip my hand into a pond nearby. My three spirits explode, following close behind me.

"Waterpetal, stop—" the name of the Gray spirit naturally comes to my mind, almost as if I named him myself. "— Snowflake!"

The tallest spirit chases after the Gray spirit, causing Snowflake to turn his attention from Ariana to me. Ariana gives me a thumbs up, her spirit obviously somewhere close.

"Flame, take down Snowflake!" Ariana orders, her spirit appearing at her side.

"Waterpetal, help Flame!" I shout, the sight of Shawn falling to the ground catching my eye. "I'll be back, Ariana!"

She smiles and continues to order her spirit around. I run over to Shawn, he is fighting a Shimmer spirit. I see Brad not standing to far away from the Shimmer spirit, and then it comes to mind. Brad isn't a Fire, he is actually an Ice! Shawn's spirits are else where, he is fighting alone.

"Liquid-Sunshine, save Shawn!" I yell. Liquid-Sunshine picks up Shawn, flying him up in the air and away from the spirits grasp. The name comes naturally to mind again— Shock.

"Shock, disarm Lauren!" Brad orders, glaring at me with hateful eyes.

"Stream, stop Shock!" I shout desperately, dodging Shock's ice blast.

"Shock, freeze Lauren!" Brad growls. His spirit forms liquid ice in his hands, he throws it at me. I scream as I duck, the ice freezes a tree nearby. I turn around and stare at the tree with wide eyes.

Ice coats every branch, every bump, every single part of the tree. The ice shimmers in the dim light being cast through the clouds. Inside the ice, the tree starts to disintegrate. I stare in horror at the vanishing tree— that could of been me.

"Brad," a thick British accent says from beside me. "Leave the girl alone."

"You don't understand, Harry," Brad sneers, glaring at me with deadly eyes. "She is a Water and a homosexual."

"Brad, I've told you this, homosexuals are completely fine." Harry looks at me with kind eyes, I stare at him in confusion. His hair is pretty long, kind of curly at the ends. It's tree-branch brown. "As I am one myself. My boyfriend, Louis, and I are very happy. But I can understand the Water part, sorry green eyes."

"You have green eyes too!" I retort. His eyes shimmer with sadness, I feel confusion bubble up inside me. This is the strangest person ever; he seemed to be on my side but then he turned me over. What's happening?

"Whatever," Harry shrugs, running his hand through his long, curly hair. "Just run."

I don't think twice about it. I bolt in the opposite direction, towards the mess hall. Suddenly, I'm face to face with Taylor; the campfire lady. She smirks as two Gray spirits rise from behind her— one I remember as Snowflake. I duck beside her, running faster then ever.

"So scared, Lauren?" Taylor calls out from behind me. I don't look back, my feet continue to move faster. She can taunt all she pleases, I don't care as long as I return to Camila in one piece. And Camila returns to me in one piece.

"Lauren? My scared little camper.." Taylor coos, narrowing her eyes at me.

I whip around, pointing my index finger at ground. Liquid-Sunshine and Waterpetal appear at my side; I think Stream is still fighting. Taylor's blue eyes sparkle is amusement, I glare at her. She points a finger at me and a Gray spirit charges at me. I scoot to the side, avoiding him.

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