O- Just Stall Me ✔️

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"Have fun in detention!" Gerard exclaimed in a high pitched sing song voice pushing me towards Mr Weekes room, not that it did much, Gerard wasn't the strongest individual.

"Whatever Gee, it's a detention but it's got a good view" I say smirking slightly.

"You're not wrong" he responded shrugging, giving up his nigh-useless efforts to push me. I'm quite jealous of Gerard to be getting to sit right in front Mr Weekes desk, for once I don't want to be sitting at the back.

"Ger, I'm hungry, can we go to the canteen?" Billie whined running his hand through his black bird best hair, Gerard nodded in response. Billie and Gerard are very close, I know they lived together for a year or so when they were about 13 because of some shit with Gerard's family, Billie and his mother took him in in an instant. "See ya later Brendon"

"Bye guys" I say turning to Mr Weekes door, I inhale before I walk in as I open the door, I kind of hope I'm the only one in this detention.

Well, there was no point in taking a sanity breath, when I saw Mr Weekes he took my breath away.

Yes, that's absolutely disgustingly cliché, but also very true.

"Mr Urie, have a seat" Mr Weekes said gesturing to the desk in front of his, his desk and this one were connected by being pushed up against each other, it's where Gerard sat. I headed over and sat down, there was only the space of two desks in between us and I'm not gonna lie, it made me kind of flustered.

"Why do you call me Mr Urie? You can call me Brendon" I inform him putting my elbows on the desk and my head in my hands, I'm far too lazy to not be holding my head up.

"Because I want to" he said turning away from his computer and mimicking my pose sticking his head in his hands, it was the same thing but he looked way better doing it.

"Maybe I don't want you to" I responded.

"Maybe I don't care, I have full authority to call you whatever I want" He responded back casually before shrugging and going back to the computer, it's really hard to prove a point against this guy.

"What're you doing?" I ask being nosey, or at least trying to annoy him.

"Work" he responded focusing on the work on his computer, he's obviously trying to not let me annoy him.

"What work?"

"The work kind"

"Gee, thanks. I could write a fucking book with that much info" I respond sarcastically, Mr Weekes rolled his eyes but let out a small chuckle, he didn't even tell me off for swearing. "Why are you so chill with me?" I ask confused, dropping one of my hands down onto the desk because it was tired but keeping my head held up in the other.

"Chill? What do you mean by that, Mr Urie?" Mr Weekes turns back to me with a raised eyebrow, he looks pretty damn good when he does that.

"Like, you've not yelled at me for refusing to do work, throwing shit at you or swearing, don't get me wrong I'm completely for it, but why?" I ask confused running a hand through my hair mid sentence.

"You're special, Mr Urie" he said smirking slightly leaning forward a bit on the desk, for the first time in like, forever, I blushed. My face went red, can you blame me?. Mr Weekes seems to see this and he smiles "you can go if you want, I'm pretty sure your friends want you" he said pointing over to the window.

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