I- A Good Time

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Don't you love waking up literally nothing more than a few minutes away from a date? Cause I sure do! Not waking up to your alarms and then regretting your choices is all the rage at the moment, it's also something I'm really good at!

I've genuinely lost count of the amount of times I've almost fallen over trying to turn my 20 minute morning routine into 10, maybe I should invest in an alarm clock, then I wouldn't be so rushed all the time. Yesterday when I got home from school Dallon invited me to a Christmas fair thing a few towns down and I said yes, obviously, but me being me my alarm clock got snoozed so I woke up at 4:45pm, Dal is coming to get me at 5.

That gives me approximately not the right amount of time at all to get ready.

After rushing, swearing, more rushing and some falling over while trying to pull on my tight ass women's jeans I miraculously managed to get ready just in time for Dallon, as I pulled on my coat I heard the doorbell go.

Also yeah I have women's jeans, an apple bottom like this deserves to be shown off.

With a sigh of relief at being ready on time I pulled the door open to reveal Dallon, beanies make him look cuter then usual, I didn't even think that was possible. His grey beanie pushed his dark brown hair just into his eye line and he looked so adorable that I was tempted to just ditch the date and spend the night kissing him here instead.

"You look cute" he said with a little smile, he scanned my face and body and his smile grew a bit more.

"You look cuter, I like this" I said reaching up to tap the beanie on his head softly with my fingers.

"Thanks, but I do not look cute"

"You do too" I say exasperated at Dallon not believing me, I glare at him, unflinching. 

"Ugh, you're not gonna give this up, are you?" He asked faking his exasperation, I grinned and shook my head "whatever you loser, let's go" and with that he grabbed my hand dragging me out the house.

The setting sun was making the sky all kinds of pinks and orange which I found pretty, not that I had much time to look at it with Dallon impatiently dragging me to the car.

"I'm hungry" I began complaining about 2 seconds into the drive, Dallon laughed softly.

"We're going to a food fair Bren, it's a fair completely based on not being hungry, wait like 30 minutes" He said, amusement at my speed to complain written all over his face.

Complaining is one of my skills, what can I say?

"30 minutes? That's 30 minutes too long!" I whine stomping on the car floor acting like a child on purpose.

"Hey, if it's just gonna be 30 minutes of you complaining then you can get out and walk" he suggested with the ghost of a smirk on his lips, I crossed my arms over my chest and blew a strand of stray hair out of my eyes.

"You wish, I'd much prefer to stay in this car and contribute to global warming, thanks" I say and Dallon chuckled, he reached forward and switched on the radio tapping his fingers along to the beat "yknow, you've still not shown me that original song yet"

"I will, it's just not finished yet" he explained shrugging.

"Well make it finished then, you know how impatient I am" I complain, it's true, I can't wait for anything.

"It's almost done, but you've gotta wait for it" he said smirking, I glared at him even though he couldn't see it because he was focusing on the road.

As much as I wanted him to see me glaring at him I didn't really feel like getting in a car crash over it.


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