G- What You Qualify As Friends ✔️

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I woke up to find myself in a bed, a warm comfy bed, but still a bed which I definitely didn't go to sleep in. The soft pillows were extremely comfortable and the king sized duvet wrapped around my admittedly small frame was keeping me warm.

Not being able to muster the energy to get up or even sit up I look around the room, I recognise it as Dallons. It's pretty obvious once you see his clothes in small plies on the floor where he hasn't been bothered to put them away.

Messiness seems to be one of Dallons traits, and I'm not about that.

Slightly confused as to why I was moved I slide out of bed and go to open the door only to see a note stuck on it in Dallons scruffy hand writing, how he's a teacher with handwriting like this I don't know. I peel off the note carefully being sure not to take off any of the door paint in the process. He needs to think about where he duct-tapes things.

Good morning beautiful

I've had to go in to work today, I know it's Saturday but incase you haven't noticed the school sucks ass and wanted to have a meeting. I should only be there for a few hours though so I'll probably be almost back by the time you wake up.

You can stay if you'd like, however if you have plans or need to go home just text me and let me know :)

From Dallon xxx

Ps. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen, I don't mind :)

I smile at the sweet note before heading out of the room down stairs in to the kitchen, hey, if he offered me food I'm not going to say no. On the way I notice that I'm in a new shirt, obviously one of Dallons judging by size, but he left my jeans on. That's sweet, he doesn't want to undress me without my consent. A lot of people wouldn't be that thoughtful.

But I guess me and Dallon aren't like a lot of 'normal people'.

I look around the kitchen and see it's pretty messy, things are left out or just not put back in orderly place and it makes me feel like my head's messy too. I like clean orderly places because they help me think better, but that's a horrible contradiction to my slobby, lazy attitude.

First I do the washing up, mostly because Dallons not here to stop me and I want to get back for when he wouldn't let me help. Then I put all the newly clean things away in their drawers once I found the correct place.

Next I put away shit like the bread he left on the counter even though he has a bread bin, or the dip left on the side instead of put in the fridge. I don't understand why he wouldn't just put away his stuff, but that's more then a bit hypocritical of me. I also cleaned the counters because I like shiny things, no reason other than that.

Then I moved on to the living room, I folded away the blanket we were using last night and put it back where I got it originally on the arm of the sofa, I then put all of the sofa pillows in the correct position so that it was symmetrical.

Details are what matters.

I also put away uneaten snacks and binned the rubbish.

After I was finished with the front room I moved on to the bedroom where I made the bed and put away some clothes, but it was relatively clean in there anyway. Knowing Dallon he cleaned it up when he put me up here after realising how much of a mess it was.

Just as I put away one of Dallons shirts and shut the closet door the front door opened, so I peeked out of the bedroom door, but it wasn't Dallon standing at the bottom of the stairs.

I instantly went in to panic mode.

The guy obviously had a key or he wouldn't have been able to get in because he didn't break anything, but my head ran with a million different possibilities as I leant back against the wall, trying to find comfort and solidity in something before I had a full on panic attack.

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