O- Silken Sheets ✔️

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I got up at about midday originally but ended up falling back asleep multiple times before I was woken and kept awake by my phone ringing. It couldn't have just left me alone to sleep my life away, could it?

Groggily I rolled over and slapped my hand around on the table a few times before finding my vibrating phone and without looking at who was calling I clicked accept, bringing the phone to my ear but keeping my eyes closed. I'm pretty sure that my curtains are a bit open and I don't want to lose my vision this early, or late in my case.

"Hello" I answered, my voice deep and grumbly, I probably sounded as tired as I feel.

"God, your morning voice is hot... I mean morning!" Dallon exclaimed from the other side of the line, I smiled a bit knowing it was him on the other end but still couldn't bring myself to open my eyes.

"What's up?" I say lowly, voice vibrating because of the deep sound.

"I don't know when I'm meant to be coming round and you didn't reply to the text I sent two hours ago, I also don't know what to wear" he explained, I could hear a kind of staticky noise from the other end and assumed that he had ran a hand through his hair, one of his habits when he's nervous.

"Was that really worth waking me up at this hour?" I whine with a large sigh.

"Uh, baby, it's 3pm" he said with an amused tone in his voice, how am I meant to get annoyed with him when he calls me baby? That's an unfair advantage for him.

"Well how was I meant to know that? Come round at like 5 or something and leave me to sleep" I say, making sure not to let myself snap at him because I know that he's right and that I should get up because I'm being an asshole and because I know I'd feel bad for yelling at him later.

"What about clothes?" He asked all too innocently, so my sleepy brain decided to be inappropriate.

"Wear nothing" I say as suggestively as I can manage in my current state.

"Haha Bren, very funny" he said sarcastically with a small huff at the end, I smile to myself again because I can imagine him getting all flustered about not knowing what to wear and it was cute.

"Dal, wear whatever your comfortable in. Your normal clothes are more than fine, that's what we'll be wearing. You're making a big deal out of a small dinner, really, I promise you can just relax and come in your normal clothes. Okay?" I soothe him, sensing him getting worked up over this.

"Thank you Bren" he said genuinely after finally shaking the information he wanted out of me, I hope I calmed him down at least a little bit.

"Although, if you're most comfortable naked that's not a problem"

"Stop this"

"Make me"

"I will later" he said suggestively completely turning the tables against me. I turned my head into my pillow to hide a blush that no one else could see anyway, I was really just hiding it from the wall.

"Shut up" I mumble, voice becoming muffled because of the pillow, it was worth it though because I got to hear Dallons laugh from the other side.

"Right, get your ass out of bed, okay? You can't stay there forever as much as you might want to. I'll be round at five, bye Bren"

"Bye dal, see you then"

Surprisingly enough after that I actually did what I was told and got my ass out of my bed, then I got back in for a while because I decided that leaving my pillow and blanket kingdom was a big mistake. It's warmer under blankets, okay?

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