.- Falling In Love With You

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"So, Brendon, I've been thinking" he began to speak, chest which I was laying on moving up and down with his breaths. We were still laying on the rooftop, him laying flat on the floor and me laying with my head on his chest creating a 'T' shape with our bodies. His warm hand was on my chest as I idly played with his fingers.

"Be careful, thinking is dangerous" I joked, mostly concerned because he called me 'Brendon' as oppose to 'Bren' or 'Baby', two things he's become more accustomed to calling me then my actual name. It kind of unnerved me.

"About us" he continued after chuckling softly at what I said, my heart dropped, was he going to break up with me? I mean not that it would surprise me because I'm not great but it would make me more than just 'sad'.

Surely he wouldn't invite me out just to break up with me, right? Technically we're not even 'together' anyway so maybe he's had enough of me. Maybe this whole thing was just to let me down gently or something.

"And?" I said quietly, edging him on even though I was scared of what's to come.

"Well I realised we have never really labelled ourselves, what we are, and I think it's time we did. So, would you like to be my boyfriend?" He asked, his question being carried away by the wind and his own thoughts.

My stomach got butterflies and I grinned like an idiot, my dropped heart jumping up to my throat. I sat up quickly and leant over Dallon smashing my lips to his. I felt him smile into the kiss and place his hand gently on the back of my neck.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes?" He asked when I pulled away for breath but kept the tips of our increasingly cold noses together.

"Yes, Dallon, of course I'll be your boyfriend" I say kissing him again afterwards, only quickly this time though.

"Thank god" he breathed out a sigh of relief and I lay back down on his chest looking back up at the sky's own fairy lights.

"How could I say no? This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me, especially the view" I stated taking his hand in mine again looking up at the stars.

"I know, the stars are pretty beautiful tonight" he responded, but I shook my head.

"I wasn't taking about the stars" I said with a wink at him, even though the roof was only lit by a dim lamp I could still see his blush making me giggle softly. I unintentionally shivered slightly as a cold breeze swept over me and crossed my arms over my chest in the hopes of reserving some body heat.

It's really cold up here, I should've thought to wear something warmer.

"Are you cold?" Dallon asked sitting up, making me sit up in the process "Here, take this" he said shrugging off his jacket and putting it on me. As much as I tried to fight him he wasn't having any of it and put the jacket on me anyway. The sleeves stopped a bit below my fingers and it was already warm from Dallons apparently excessive amounts of body heat.

"But won't you get cold?" I ask going to take the jacket off again, but Dallon held it up by his hands.

"No, it doesn't bother me, I'm basically a conscious radiator. We should probably get going anyway, it's 11pm" he said standing up then extending a hand down to me which I took. He pulled me up and we both walked over to the edge of the roof hand in hand to look at the city.

The buildings were now dotted with lights from rooms that had the curtains open, the cars no longer looked like ants to me, more like little fireflies zooming through the streets lit by street lamps. There was a few splashes of colour from some neon signs but for the most part the city had a warm orange glow to it.

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