E- Poise And Rationality ✔️

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(This chapter is dedicated to joshlerwtf )

This day has seemed to drag on forever, I feel like it started about 50 years ago. I'm surprised I don't have wrinkles yet.

Then again with the amount of moisturizer I use I don't even think it's a possibility of me ever getting wrinkles.

In science our old wrinkly ass teacher sprung a pop quiz on us, I obviously failed it, I don't do science. You basically could've made a five year old do it, we would've gotten the same scores, maybe they wouldn't done better.

It's just really fucking confusing to me, sometimes I think I'm academically challenged, or whatever the fancy term for it is.

That pop quiz basically set the day up for the shit show it was.

Also I've got a detention again, how?

Let's just say apparently if you call a teacher a 'fucking mistake' you get an after school detention with your head of year, huh, who knew?

I don't even know who my fucking head of year is, though I'm quite certain that it's one of the history teachers I don't really have much clue.

I sighed dragging my feet on the way to English, I'm pretty sure I'm already late so this probably isn't helping but I don't really care. Don't get me wrong I wanna see Mr Weekes (because what a view), but English? Really?

I'm pretty shitty at expressing myself or whatever, and English seems to be all about that shit.

I sighed walking up to Mr Weekes door about 10 minutes late, give or take. I open the door and walk in and everyone was already doing work, only a few people looked up as most of them are used to my late arrivals. I'm very rarely on time.

"Huh, Mr Urie, nice of you to join us" Mr Weekes said from behind his desk, voice laced with evident sarcasm. Sarcasm suits him.

Most things suit him.

"I am known to brighten up rooms" I respond just as sarcastically, heading straight to the back of the room smiling at Billie on the way who smiled back. I heard Gerard snort at my 'brighten up rooms' comment from the front of class. "Wanna fight, firetruck?" I say using his nickname I gave him that he hates.

In response he flipped me off over his shoulder.

"Gerard, is that really appropriate?" Mr Weekes asked Gerard in response to him flipping me off, Gerard sighs and goes back to his work, not looking at Mr Weekes but obeying none the less.

Wow, that's pretty rare, Gerard doesn't really ever do what he's told.

Mr Weekes only calls me by my last name, he's not called anyone else by their last name. He also told Gerard off for swearing, he's never done that to me, I like that.

"Yeah Gerard" I respond sticking my tongue out like a little kid, taking the 'Mister Weekes seems to be letting me off so fuck you' situation to my full advantage, Gerard turned around in his chair and gave me a death glare big enough to shut me up. I do like pushing my friends, but I also know when to stop, especially with Gerard.

You do not wanna see that guy when he has a temper, unless you like the idea of being hospitalised that is.

"Don't think you've got away with this clean Mr Urie, I'll see you after class to discuss why you were late" Mr Weekes said, bright blue eyes locking with mine, I swear I saw his strong teacher-like facade falter a bit when he looked at me.

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