Hurricane Matthew

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Talex fanfic with Jackson in Hurricane Matthew.  Stay safe!

Hurricane Matthew. One of the deadliest storms ever. Stage 4 hurricane.
Tobin and Alex are in Orlando right now with their son, Jackson. Civilians are told to evacuate immediately. As the governor says: "This storm can kill you and we can not save you."
This has Tobin and Alex terrified. Not only for their own lives, but for their child's.
They don't know where to go. It's too late to catch a plane to California. They can't go to Kelley's parents house in Georgia because they will get hit too. They can't go to Anson's place at UNC for the same reason.
Their plan was to drive. Just keep driving. Until they found a safe place.
"Tobin we have to go!" Alex said stressed out.
"Coming!" Tobin says gathering their suitcases.
Alex sighs and picks up a whining Jackson.
"It's okay Jackson. Mama and Mommy won't let anything happen to you."
Tobin runs down the stairs and takes their bags out to the car.
She runs back in and says: "We better go. The skies are getting dark." Tobin says pointing out the window.
"R...ri...right." Alex says looking petrified out the window.
"Babe." Tobin says walking towards Alex.
"What?" Alex says snapping out her trance.
"Just remember. We'll be fine. I love you." Tobin says putting her hands on Alex's arms.
"Right. I love you too." She replies.
Tobin nods and kisses Alex passionately. She then kisses Jackson's forehead.
They get into the car. They have an idea of where they're going and that is away from the storm. They won't go northeast because that's the direction the storm will be going to Georgia and the Carolinas.
So, they go to diagonally, hoping to stop in some state and stay with a friend. It's 7 am now, with no traffic. Tobin is calm because she knows that they're out of danger and will be fine. Alex on the other hand, not so much.
All she's thinking is, what if they don't get out in time? What if the car breaks down? Where will they go? How long will they be gone for? Will they ever get back to Portland?
Tobin looks over at Alex and can already see all the thoughts that are running through her head. She grabs her hand and kisses it, signaling to calm down.
"We'll be fine baby."
Alex just nods, not wanting to jinx it.
Around 9 am, they're just leaving Florida. A thunderstorm outbreaks with very loud thunder and very bright lighting. Tobin takes back her hand so she can have both hands on the steering wheel.
Alex climbs in the back and tries to calm down Jackson, who is hysterically crying.
"It's okay Jackson. You're fine baby." Alex coos while rocking the child.
"His bottle is in the bag Al." Tobin says not taking her eyes off the road.
"Right. Thanks Tobs."
Alex searches through the small baby bag. First, she finds Jackson's blue blanket and his favorite stuffed animal. She puts that next to her and keeps searching for the bottle. When she finds it, she immediately gives it to Jackson, hoping it would calm him down. His tears stop and Alex wraps him in his blanket and puts his stuffed dog next to him.
The family drives for about an hour until they're out of Florida. They stop at a rest area in some town in Alabama. There, they agree to switch drivers in every state so one person could drive and one person could take care of Jack.
Alex takes the wheel and they set out on their journey. Now that they were out of danger, Alex could finally relax and enjoy the ride. She actually kinda enjoyed it and wanted to spend more time in each state, but knew they had to get as far from the storm as possible.
Hours later, they pass through Mississippi and Louisiana and into the great state of Texas.
They organized to stay at a good friend of theirs place. (Can u guys guess who?)
13 hours and 40 minutes from Orlando, they arrive in Houston. They pull up to an apartment complex and park the car. They get out with Jackson in Alex arms and the luggage in Tobin's arms. Tobin leads the group up the pathway and to the front door. Tobin knocks.
They hear the lock turn and someone opens the door.
"Hey guys. Glad you made it." Carli says very welcoming.
"Hey Car. Thanks for sheltering us. It's been a crazy few days." Tobin replies.
"No problem. It's a crazy situation. We gotta help out people when you can. Come on in." Carli says opening the door fully.
Tobin, Alex, and Jackson enter Carli's apartment.
"Okay so you guys get my bedroom and I sleep on the couch." Carli says pointing to the back bedroom.
"Carli, you don't have to give up your room." Alex says.
"Oh yes I can. I'm leaving early anyway for my book tour and don't want to wake you guys." Carli explains.
The couple nods and their teammate leads them into the bedroom.
It's 8 o'clock and Jackson is zonked out. For a baby, this was super late for him.
Tobin and Alex were super tired as well. Almost fourteen hours in a car can take most of your energy.
They family gets ready and then lys in the bed. Tobin on the left and Alex on the right with Jackson in the middle.
Tobin turns to her side and says: "See baby. I told you we'd be fine." She says smirking.
"Yea I guess you're right." Alex replies.
"But how will we get to Portland?" Alex
"I don't know, but we'll figure out that tomorrow." Tobin says kissing Alex passionately. They both kiss Jackson and Alex turns off the light.
They cuddled close together and fell asleep.
They were finally safe. Yea with shelter, but I mean safe in each other's arms.
The End.
Hey guys!
Hope u enjoyed that! Been seeing things in snapchat about Hurricane's scary shit! Please stay safe everyone! I'll be at a wedding tonight into tomorrow and probably won't get a story up until Monday 😬. But I will try to get it up sooner.
Stay awesome!
*still open for talex and preath requests*

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