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"Mal? Mal, were are you?" Christen Press says coming into the 19 year olds bedroom.

"Don't you knock?" Mal says coming out of the bathroom.

"Sorry, but it's time for school work. Tobin and I promised your parents we'd take good care of you while we are on the road." Christen replies.

"I don't want to right now. I'm not in the mood." Mal pouts.

"Belive me, I wasn't in the mood either in college but I was in Stanford, much more pressure. You're lucky." 

Mal just sits there.

"What's wrong?" Christen says starting to rub Mal's back.

Mal jumps and says: "Um, could you please not touch me." 

"Sure.......are you sure you're okay?" Christen says now even more worried.

"Yes! Can I just have some time alone now." Mal gasps.

'Yea okay." Christen says leaving the room.


Christen enters the hallway.

"Hey gorgeous." Tobin says coming up to her girlfriend and wrapping her arms around her waist. 

Christen wraps her arms around Tobin and rests her head on Tobin's upper chest, saying nothing. She looks at Mal's door.

"What's the matter?" 

"I don't know." 

"What do you mean you don't know." Tobin says looking at Christen as Christen looks at her. 

Christen takes a deep breathe and says: "..Something's wrong with Mal. She's acting so weird and she like gasped when I touched her."

"Hey I gasp when you touch me too." Tobin chuckles dirtely. 

"No Tobin, this was different. It was almost like it hurt her..or sacred her." 

"How's that boyfriend been treating her?" Tobin asks.

"Oh...I don't know. It couldn't be that right? Mal would know enough to say something right?"

"Sometimes it's scary to let things out because you know it will change the way you look at a person. We should try to get it out of her." Tobin explains.

"Yea, you're right. Let's just give her a few minutes.....and don't tell anyone else." Christen says firmly to Tobin.

"Gotcha, our little secret." Tobin grins.

"I love you." Christen says wrapping her arms around Tobin's neck and hugging her.

"Well I love you." Tobin replies.


It's finally time for training. The whole team goes out the field to warm up before the scrimmage.   

*during scrimmage* 

Mal has the ball and is dribbling up the midfield. 

Tobin side tackles her and Mal screams in pain. Dawn and the medical team run out to Mal as she screams and cries.

"Mal. Mal calm down. Where does it hurt?" Dawn says.

Mal starts to talk but then stops herself.

"I'm fine." She says wiping a tear and then getting up.

"You're not fine Mallory, come to the medical room." Dawn says.

"No! I'm fine, I told you." Mal yells at Dawn.

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