05 Wealth Beyond Measure

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"This is Mr. Acott's mansion. He has invited all the contestants and their families from all over the world." Tinker said as we walked along the mansion pathway. It was a hundred meters long with massive fountains and statues running along the sides. It looked more like a castle than a mansion. A white castle stretching hundreds of meters across the horizon with multiple stories. When I got closer, it was even grander than I could imagine. It was as if I had walked into heaven itself. Well, I wasn't dead so heaven wouldn't be the right word. A Paradise of Paradises, that would be how I would describe the place. Out from a little clearing, I saw a parking lot. Not the regular depressing grey ones, but one with beautiful patterns etched across the spaces, they were each an individual masterpiece.

Finally we reached the doorstep and what lay before me. A pair of golden doors, each standing tall as two men stacked atop each another opening outwards. I walked behind Tinker as he led me through the doorway into the even more impressive interior. Stained glass ceiling panels supported by gothic arches spread across a massive lobby. The floor was lined with smooth white tiles so spotless, I could see my reflection in them. There were many people each dressed in elaborate clothing. They showed off their wealth though clothing. Out there for everyone to see. Clothes were meant to hide nakedness, not display indulgence; but they displayed theirs like sin. It made me sick. Some of them turned and looked at me as if I came from a slum.

"Ah, I see you are worried about your outfit. Lads! Show this gentleman the fitting room at once." I knew better then to argue, since I was already attracting disdainful glances. So I followed the lads down a corridor and into a room on the other side. The lads told me to wait inside the room as they left me alone.

I stood completely motionless trying to catch every little detail of the place. Aside from it looking like an alien fashion booth everything about it was pretty normal. The door burst open and a bizarre looking man came through. His hair was like the Tower of Pisa and from a distance I would have mistaken him for an alien. Next thing I knew I was being propped into a black barber chair.

"Hello, I am Mojo. I would be your hair stylist. And Lisa here would be your fitter." He gestured to one of the stereotypical looking house wives who gossip 24/7.

"I don't need a haircut, I am only here for the suit."

"No, no, no. The hair is a man's identity. And haircut is too general. Haircial remake session is much more like it." as he squished his hair with both of his hands and I just couldn't stop admiring how his hair defied the laws of physics.

"No I don't need a haircut or a 'Haircial remake session' now just let me go or..."

"Or get a complete facial remake session? I am afraid you have to schedule it first, I am very busy man, but perhaps for a handsome lad like you could probably..."

That's it, I don't have all days for this gibberish. I thought

"I swear if you don't let me go, I will cut off your ridiculous hair, by...hair."

That seem to get to the man. He repositioned himself far away from me.

"I wish you...a good afternoon!" He proceeded to scramble out of the room as if a demon lurked inside. That left me alone with a still smiling Lisa.

"You're not going to give me that crap right?"

"Manners, manners. Of course not. Charming young man like you. I'll get you in the right suit and you'll be attracting all the ladies like a street lamp draws moths."

"Can we get it over with already?"

"Right on." As she scurried out the room gesturing for me to follow close behind. She led me down to a room at the corner and opened up another room. I would say fitting room, but, that didn't begin to describe this fitting house. Dress clothes hung from the ceiling, tuxedos with pants each occupied a glass case of their own. I was transfixed looking at all the marvelous suits that I had never thought of wearing before. Well I actually never wore a suit, since I skipped all the school dances and balls due to the chaotic scene.

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