12 Plane Ride

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 "First time on the plane?" Charlotte asked as she sat across from me.

Mr. Acott's private jet was a combination of hi tech and luxury. Even though I have a post-doctoral degree on machinery, I couldn't name half the things I saw inside the jet.

I asked one of the servants about it. "Mr. Acott owns all of the 5 hydro jets in the world. Its 50 years ahead of modern technology and uses solar energy when there is sun and runs on greenhouse gases in the air, if there is neither to use. The jet can use the backup battery, when fully charged it can last a month. It can also take off vertically, since its twin hydro magnetic propellers are..." he kept rambling on even when I stopped paying attention. Many of the terms were alien to me and I doubted that Skydorm enterprise belonged to the modern era.

"What's wrong?" she asked again. I turned my attention to her again.

"Nothing's wrong. As for the answer of your first question, no this is not my first time on a plane. But this feels like I'm being conducted by a UFO."

"Do you believe aliens are real?" she asked, which I didn't quite expect.

"Maybe, probably." Like many other human beings, we can't be sure of things until we see it with our own eyes.

"Well I do. I would like to see one." I didn't know what to make of that, it's rather completely childish and it was really cute.

"I am not sure about that." Like all the other humans, when someone says something random, we choose rather not to take side, since most humans are afraid of what they don't know about. But coming from Charlotte was like a child wish...somehow that made me embarrassed so I looked away.

"There is no seatbelt."

"Why?" planes that can vertically take off was heard off many times, but a plane with no seat belts was a first.

"Because daddy told me that everything inside is optimized to maximum protection. Even if a bomb hit this plane, the passengers will still be safe." No wonder she never been on a regular plane, just what she said there could get the S.W.A.T swarming the airport. This was still England after all.

"How long will the flight take?"

"Depending on how fast the jet is going. Daddy said if the jet is going at full speed it will take a little more than 8 hours." I did a little estimation which involved perimeter of the world which is 40,075km (24,901 miles) dividing the time and the results were astonishing.

"This jet can fly at Mach 4?" Mach 1is about 1225 km(761 miles) an hour and I knew for a fact that normal planes fly below 1 Mach, because anywhere above 1 Mach would do damage to a normal person hearing and also causes the plane to vibrate violently.

"Daddy told me the full thrust is still in beta testing so the planes will only fly half that speed."

"Wouldn't that still cause hearing problems?"

"Not that I know of. It's my second time on this plane."

"And when was the first time?"

"That..." she looked down at her dress and lowered her voice.

You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"No it's alright. I was 7 that year, my mother had a heart attack and the doctors informed my father that she wouldn't live to see daylight. Daddy and I were still back in London and my mother was halfway across the globe. The only vehicle that was fast enough to travel was the hydro jet. But back then it was still at beta testing, it was very risky to go at normal speed back then and going full speed that time seemed like suicide. But daddy wouldn't listen, even if it meant not only put himself in danger but others as well, but I agreed to it since I wanted to see my mother one last time no matter what. The whole entire flight was scary but my mind was already taken up mostly by sad things...about what life would be like without mother. Daddy's heart was so heavy the jet seemed to drop from the weight. By the time we go to mother hospital room, she barely had her eyes open. It all happened so suddenly..." tears started forming from the corner of her eyes, so subconsciously I did a quick scan around and found a tissue paper and handed it to her. She took it without question and wiped her eyes several times, but there was still obvious traces as more tears coming. She looked like she was about to continue, but she suddenly stopped herself. A moment of silence later she continued:

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