36 Peace

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I thought I would never open my eyes again, but apparently I was wrong. I saw green... yes the trees. I saw the blue... yes the sky. I saw light... it was the sun glittering in my eyes. And then, I fully opened my eyes.

All around me the scenery seemed unrealistic. Was I in heaven? As a non-religious person I would not believe that kind of crap, but under the circumstances I sort of did. As I took a closer look around, I realized heaven was tropical? And at that moment and mosquito the size of my palm landed on my shoulder and was just about to stab its nail thick sucker into my skin. Heaven has mosquitoes? My head was swarming with questions, but my primal instincts overruled. I swatted in the air and caught the mosquito in my palm. I looked in my palm again and brushed off the mosquito corpse against the nearest tree.

The tree I brushed my hands on was some kind of vine tree...typical tropical forest tree, then I looked at the sun again. Judging from those information I assumed I was somewhere near the equator, or right on it. And if this was an island it would mean I was stuck in the middle of nowhere. Great, just great. And all of a sudden a gracious thought came to me. Back in the courtroom...the memory was a little fuzzy but I still remembered the most important details. I probably inhaled a lot of poison gas, yet I was alive and standing...That meant, Yumi, Charlotte, Silk and everyone else there that time was still alive! The gas wasn't meant to kill, it was only meant to knock out people! I had never been so thankful in my entire life. Out of pure joy, I ran through the jungle like a madman, until I tripped and fell into a stream. Cold water gave me a good shock. It felt as if I started my morning with seven cups of coffee.

I looked up and looked around the stream. I felt like I didn't start my morning with seven cups of coffee but with seven meth injections. Kneeling on the other side of the bank was a girl, familiar. I wanted to scream her name but no sound came out. I just kept watching her washing her ever so perfect caramel red hair. Then she looked up and saw me. The universe was silent except for the perfect harmony of the running stream between us.

"Charlotte." That was all I could mutter before my brains were literally fried by her appearance. Still the same clothes she wore in court. Red dress, the bottom part was now a little ripped and dirty.

She looked equally as shocked as I felt. She then stood bolt upright up and said, "Ling."

This may be the only time so far she has said my name without screaming.

I walked up to her, the water was about ankle deep as I waded through. I didn't care about my clothes getting wet. I didn't care about the soggy feeling in my shoes. All I cared about was getting on to her side and...what? Then she was literally right in my face.

"Are you real?" I asked. It was a really dumb questions to ask, but I didn't care.

She looked a little irritated and burst out. "Of course you moron! Who do you think I am? Besides being the generous and gracious Lady Charlotte Marina Aquitaine Alcott?" she was using her usual annoying voice. But I bore through it with a smile for once. I cupped my hand around her cheek which making her blush like red signal light.

"Yep, you are real." She slapped my hand away and backed up a few steps.

"How...how dare you touch me? You infidel!"

"Just making sure." I said plainly.

"Oh what?"

"That we are both living."

"Of course! But I wish you to die!"

An awkward silence followed her statement.

"Let's drop that subject now; do you want to go on a little adventure?"

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