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 "The clue is in Japanese and this is the translation: The Emperor who opened to the west, go forward to his temple there you will bow, wash, write, pray beneath nature and look above divinity." I translated each and exact word by scanning it with my Smartphone. Even though Kenai's original clue was made of paper, it weighted like lead in my hands.

"That all?"

"That's all I managed to translate."

"Do you know what it could mean?"

"A theory yes. The clue is most likely to mean in a literal way, instead of metaphorically. That how I solved my last clue."

"Tell me this theory." It wasn't a question, it was a demand. If I told him my theory he will no longer find use in me, and like all useless thing in the world. Disposed and forgotten. To avoid that fate I said:

"I am no expert, we may need someone who knows their native culture well. I suggest finding a Japanese as a guide for this case. Is there any Japanese you know nearby?"

He considered my words for a moment then said:

"Kenai's men are in this hospital currently."

"Where in this hospital exactly?"

"In building B, you need to go down 2 floors and use the sky bridge to get it. But you are in no condition to walk for at least another week..." As he said those words, I stretched then tried moving my legs. They responded, but with pain. I ignored it most of it, but the worst was my back, since I landed it on solid metal just yesterday. It ached really badly, but I decided to suck it up. I set my right foot on the ice cold floor first, the shock and pain almost made me trip, but I managed to plant my left foot on the ground in the following second. I saw a pair of white rubber slippers beneath my feet and I slipped the right one on in a swift movement, then I slipped the other on with equal dexterity. I turned to see Louis, who was looking at me with surprise.

"How...how do you manage?"

"I was feeling stiff in that bed anyways."

"Get him a wheel chair!" he cried hastily, as he pointed to the bodyguard on his left.

"No need. I would like to walk their by myself."

"Get him a pair of crutches!" he continued in Italian.

"No I can walk by myself." I replied. To demonstrate I had the ability to do so, I opened the door and stepped into the hallway. I started walking small steps forward, since each step was more painful than the last. Louis and his bodyguards followed me outside.

"I could just bring the Kenai men to your room, you don't have to do this!" he shouted down the hallway. Beyond surprise I even heard panic.

"Too late." What started with small steps, became more natural walking, soon I was able to walk down the hallway at a moderate speed and stride. Not only Louis and his men watched with amusement, even some of the people in the hallway looked at me as I walked past. Each step became easier than the last, by the time I reached my destination the pain was gone.

"I will wait outside." Louis said.

I stepped inside the room and looked around, 6 of Kenai remaining men laid on a row of beds. They were all awake, but none of them seem too eager to leave their beds. But once I was in sight they all turned their attention towards me.

"I need your guys help." I said in Japanese.

For a moment there was nothing but silence, finally one of them spoke up:

"Why should we help you?"

"Your master passed on his will to me. Defying me is alright, but would you defy your dead masters will?"

Some of grumbled but didn't argue back.

"A simple thing, give me some guidance about this;" I said as I handed the Kenai clue to the closest one to me. He looked at it for 1 moment then passed it onto the next person. About the 5th time being passed on, someone spoke up.

"I know a person who can provide you guidance for this."

"Whom? May I ask?"

"I have long forgotten the person's face, we meet only once and it was a long time ago. But I can give you the address." He took a piece of brown note paper and a pen from a desk, then began writing. A brief moment later, he handed the paper over to me.

"Shinjuku district, Tokyo etc..."

"If you are going, let us come with you," said the one who gave me the paper.

"We have nowhere else to go," said another.

I remained silent.

"We will never disobey our master, his words are our command. And now your words are our command."

I turned to the direction of the door and said: "Louis, do you think you can bring them along?"

"If that's what you need, very well then." Louis answered as he came through the door.

"Louis what's the earliest flight you can book to Tokyo?"

"My private jet can take off immediately."

"Ok, but where is my stuff first?"

"That... my amigo, are kept in my suitcase." He snapped his finger and one of guards came hurrying in with a big black metal box. He entered some sort of password and it opened with a click, inside revealed all my stuff. My bruised wind coat and clothes that were all too damaged to wear. I kneeled down and picked up my wind coat and fished out Braun's phone out from my left pocket. It was one of those thin glass ones that Charlotte and I had, they look pretty cool. I examined the phone for a moment, checking it if it's functional or not. Surprisingly when I shook it the password unlocked. Real convenient I thought.

"May I ask you what are you attempting to do?"

"Making a phone call, I thought that was obvious enough."

"Too whom may I ask?"

"Lady Charlotte." If I was correct, it was one of those smart phone that has voice command. I was right, once again. A new tab opened up and it showed Charlotte's contact information... talking about details I didn't know bodyguards knew the bust size of their clients, or was that simply something Braun seem to be interested in (getting really awkward, just going to skip through the rest of the details).

"Call her please." I said to the phone. It worked but it wasn't until a minute later, which felt like forever someone picked up on the other end.

"Is this some sort of jape Braun?" That was definitely Charlotte's voice.

"I am right behind you my lady." That was Braun voice, along with tons of back ground noise, so I assumed they were out on the street again.

"No this is Ling. Listen, I am going to Tokyo with a friend for a few days."

"What? Wait, where are you right now?"

"I am going to be leaving on a plane immediately, if you want to come I suggest you start packing, or you can stay where you are..."

"Who are you leaving with? Do you know who you are defying right now?"

"I am so terribly sorry ma'am. Just saying Braun knows about your burst size! See ya." Before I ended call, there was a terrible loud noise that could have shattered my ear drums, if I listened to it any longer.

"Nice sabotage. You seem to be more dangerous and interesting the longer I know you." Louis chuckled.

"Do you really know me?" there was a silent tension to the words, but Louis knew better than to touch the topic again.

"Signori, time to go."

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