34 Silk

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 "This is a shock for all of us. But we will still follow the procedures. Witness, please state your name."

She took in a deep breath then said, "Vanethya Elizabeth Silica." She replied with confident smile.

The Judge turned to the deputy for a moment a whispered something, and the deputy whispered something back.

"Do you admit that you are the "Silk Touch"?" a tide of murmuring washed through the crowd.

"Yes!" she clapped her hands together in enthusiasm.

The crowd broke into chaos once again, and the judge went all Thor again. The crowd finally calmed down again.

"Objection! This is an outrage your honor! For almost half a century I have never seen so much drama in a court. Your honor please, if there is any sense in this place right now it would be you. I think she should not testify!"

"According to the jurisdiction...we shall hear out Ms. Silica's testimony without further ado. Past records shall be put aside for now. Ms. Silica come forth to this table and swear on the bible or any holy book, that you will tell the whole truth and complete truth."


"Excuse me Ms?"

"I don't believe in any religion, I believe in myself and myself only. So I shall swear in my own name instead."

The judged sighed then said: "Go ahead Ms."

She swore the oath.

"Now defense counsel you may began cross examination with Ms. Silica.

"Thank you for the honor, your honor." Said Professor.

"I don't want to talk to this old man, I want to talk to my Cherie!"

Why God? I wasn't a religious person, but at that point I would beg even the devil for this to stop.

"Your Cherie?..." the professor looked at me and gave a calm smile. At that moment I realized what was going to happen, but it was inevitable.

"Is he Chinese?"


"Is he about 6ft tall, brown eyes, black hair?"


"Calm most of time, but can be very cynical at times?"

PROFESSOR! Man this is bad...I thought.

"Yes! But that's the him I like." She said it with a dreamy smile.

"Then you are in luck because he is right here, in the defendant box right here. So why did you turn yourself in?"

"Because of love!"

"Young lady, are you absolutely sure about what you just said?"

"A thousand percent sure!"

"Very well then, you talked to the right man."

"You are not Ling's father are you?"

Professor chuckled for a moment and said, "Nope, but a very good guess."

"Then who are you?"

"Mr. Wang we are getting off-track from the case."

"Sorry your honor. How about this Ms. Silica let's make a deal."

"I am listening."

"You give me your testimony of the case and Ling could get out of here, without any charges being laid on him."

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