14 Armies of Clay

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Even though I'd seen it thousands of times online I was struck dumb by the sheer majesty of the scene before me.

"This is magnificent!" Charlotte's eyes gleamed with enthusiasm and I nodded in agreement.

"Excavation site 1 is the largest store of Terracotta warriors. They stood in rows upon rows and what was truly magnificent was how each and every statue looked unique. It was said that the potters who made the terracotta warriors used the face of the potter sitting across from him as blueprint to make the terracotta warrior's face."

"Are you trying to educate me?" demanded Charlotte sounding genuinely offended.

"Just some research I did yesterday. And don't lean over the railing. Ma'am." I said sparing a glance in her direction.

"I have better things to do than looking at boring statues," she said making an arrogant retreat.

I looked at the clay warriors one more time before I turned around and followed up with Charlotte in a couple of strides.

"So why did you bring me to this boring place?"

"Well who's the one that pleaded me to take her outside?"

"Be quiet commoner," she said with an edge to her voice.

I shrugged off the word.

"At once tell why I am wasting time in this place?" she said.

"Looking for clues, ma'am."

"Oh really? Because all I've seen you do in the past hour is stare at those statues," she said taunting.

"I was thinking about the possibilities."

"So, do you know where the relic is?" she asked with the slightest hint of challenge.

"Not really, but I have a few theories."

"Theories? They are just about as good as guess."

"That doesn't sound like you." I said eying her.

"My father said that, and it is true." I would have pointed out the errors in her words, but I decided it was best not to challenge her father words. So instead I came up with something else.

"How noble, I guess it runs in your family."

She faltered for a moment and got into her thinking position. I pressed my momentary advantage and walked ahead of her. Moments later I heard her say: "of course! And wait! Who gave you permission to walk ahead of me?"

I heard a few rapid footsteps seconds later she was in front of me again.

"Please don't run inside the exhibit. Ma'am."

"Fine. When will we leave?"

"As soon as you can shut your mouth up and give me some time to search for clues."

"How rude."

"As you say, ma'am."

"Stop it with the ma'am already! Call me my lady!" Charlotte stomped her feet furiously, not once but multiple times.

"I would, if you stop trying to embarrass yourself." Right now I felt every eyes in the exhibit is following us.

"You are so intolerable!" Charlotte said, her face turning red. At least she stopped stomping.

"I think it fits you better." I continued walking, not sparing her a glance.

"You will look at me when you speak to me!"

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