Chapter 26

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After a while the pulling stopped and they let go of you. You stood up and brushed yourself off and turned around to yell at whoever was pulling you, whether it was Bill or not. When you turned around, no one was there. You looked around and you were still I. A forest but you had never seen this part of the forest. Soos had taught you that when you are lost you stay put and wait for someone to find you. But you learned not to follow that tip because last time he used it he was sitting in a corn maze for days before anyone noticed that he wasn't coming to work and went to get him. According to Mabel, they got there and he was eating corn that was in the same area that he was lost in.

You started to wander around a bit and looked for anything familiar so you can find your way back to the mystery shack. You wandered cluelessly hoping to find something familiar.

Dipper POV
I was sitting at the Mystery Shack with Mabel and Stan watching Ducktective because Bill told everyone to just go home and stop looking because he could handle it. Well... Bill walks in the door with this look on his face as if he is disappointed in himself. He came back WITHOUT (y/n)!!!! HE DECIDED TO JUST WALTZ IN THE DOORWAY AND ACT LIKE HE IS DISAPPOINTED!!! HOW COULD HE!!! (Y/N) IS PROBABLY LOST IN THE FOREST SOMEWHERE BECAUSE BILL COULDN'T KEEP LOOKING AND JUST GAVE UP!!! HOW DOES HE HAVE THE NERVE TO DO THAT!!!! I starting going all out at him. I was just so MAD that he had the nerve to do what he just did.
"Bill!!! WHAT THE HECK!!! WHERE IS (y/n)!!!!! WHY ARE YOU TOO STUPID TO FIND A SIMPLE HUMAN BEING!!! HOW DUMB DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO FIND SOMEONE WHO NEVER FITS IN WITH THE WORLD!!!! YOU COULDN'T EVEN FIND CLUES COULD YOU!!!!?? (Y/n) ISN'T THAT HARD TO FIND BECAUSE THEY STICK OUT DO MUCH!!!!" I shouldn't have said that. I can't believe I talked to a DEMON like that and said that about (y/n). Bills face looked more hurt but soon turned red with anger, and starts yelling at me. "YOU CAN'T TALK ABOUT THEM LIKE THAT!!! THEY ARE SMART AND BEAUTIFUL AND ARE BETTER THAN YOU!!!!!" He covers his mouth realizing what he just said and blushes like crazy. He takes his hand away and frowns. Tears welling up in his eyes and he looks down. "At least I tried. Unlike you." He looks at me, tears still coming up in his eyes. He walks out the door and slams it. I can't help but to let my jaw drop. As I realize that he can actually understand some feelings. One of which I am not willing for him to share with (y/n). I already lost Wendy to Robbie. I don't want to lose yet another chance.

Bill's POV
Did I really just say that in front of almost the entire Pines family? I'm going to continue to look for (y/n). Where could they have gone? To be honest, i'm worried. It feels weird to say that, but it's true. I don't want anything to happen to them. They don't deserve to die just yet. I can look into the future and (y/n) has a lot of good things to happen in the future. She has plenty of good and bad times a head, but a long life span and it shouldn't be wasted because she starved or something in a forest. I don't want that. I notice that there is a long line through the leaves. As if someone was being dragged. I started following it and found (y/n). They were wandering around and didn't seem hurt. There wasn't anyone else around that could have dragged her.

Narrator POV
You wandered around a bit more and heard Bill run up behind you. Tears in his eyes. He runs up and hugs you. "YOU'RE ALIVE!!! ARE YOU HURT!!!??" He grabs your head in his hands and looks into your (eye color) eyes. He seems like he is actually worried. You smile at him and say that you're ok and glad that he found you. He walked you to the mystery shack and you two talked a while. You made it to the shack and forgot all about being dragged away and the mysterious boy with the amazing singing voice. (P.s. You might want to remember him for lateeeerrrr.)

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