The Lies of the Pines

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Ford's Office
"You lied to me Ford! You lied to all of us! Why would you give Mabel's parents a demon child to take care of?! You could have put them in danger!" Stan yelled at Ford glaring at him.

"I didn't know what else to do! What did you want me to do?!" Ford yelled back.

"Guys stop it please!" Mabel yelled getting between the twins with tears still streaming down her face.

"We have to focus on the task at hand. We can't let Bill take Dipper. We have to protect him. And we have to make sure Bill doesn't try anything." Ford said opening Journal 3.

"Well what can we do?!" Mabel said panicking. She didn't want to lose Dipper even if he was a demon, he was still family.

"I'm going to go out and find some materials to make a shield around the shack to keep Bill out." Ford said looking through the journal.

"What about the unicorn hair I got?" Mabel said remembering her little adventure.

"Bill's too powerful now. It won't have any affect. I have to use something else. Hopefully that will conceal Dippers powers when they're released on his birthday." Ford said writing a list.

"Poindexter, you need to explain more please!" Stan said still annoyed.

"Knowing Bill he must have done something to Dipper and I fear that when his birth time strikes on the clock, somethings going to happen. I don't want to take any chances though just in case." Ford said hurriedly. "Just watch Dipper and don't let him out of your sight!" Ford said rushing out of his office journals in hand.

"Grunkle Stan? What's going to happen?" Mabel said tugging her hair, teary eyed.

"I don't know Mabel but I promise. Everything will be fine." Stan said hugging Mabel.

"Come on now, let's go have some more Stan-cakes and your Mabel juice." Stan said smiling to the girl. Mabel sniffed and nodded her head.

Outside the Shack Celebrating the Twins Birthday: 1 Minute till 12


Everyone acted as normal as they could. Ford made every kind of attempt in order to Bill proof the house to keep Dipper safe. Mabel was having a great time and so was Dipper. She stayed close to him the last 3 days. She just hopes everything goes ok.

"Guys it's almost time to blow out your candles!" Wendy yells smiling. The twins walk over to the cake while everyone counts down.

"5,4,3,2,1! Happy b-" the crowd was interrupted by Dippers piercing screams. He fell onto the floor in agonizing pain clutching his right hand. There on his hand, was a dark green pinetree symbol with Bill's eye right in the middle.

"Dipper!" Mabel, Ford and Stan shouted running to the boy.

"DON'T LAY A FINGER ON HIM PINES!" a voice yelled. The world turned monochrome stopping everything in place except for the people at the party. Bill appeared in a flash of light before them all. The people gasped in fear. They all thought Bill was dead. But here he was in the flesh.

"Bill?! But-but your supposed to be dead!" Dipper said looking up at Bill while gripping his right hand.

"Yeah. I thought I was a goner too but here I am! And look what I can do!" Bill said happily. There was a bright light and after that, there where Bill was before, now floated a human man with blonde hair, a floating top hat above his head, an eye patch covering his left eye and his right eye colored electric blue, a yellow brick patterned tail coat tuxedo with black on the underside of the tail coat, a black tie, black pants and dress shoes and a black cane.

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