Counter Parts

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Pacifica and Mabel sat on the living room floor of the reverse mystery shack and talked and knitted sweaters while Gideon read through journal three. Alcor laid asleep on the couch and Bill was nearby leaning against the wall with Tad and Ford sat on a chair adding more notes to journal one. Alcor's eyes suddenly shot open. He quickly got up and mumbled something about going for a walk and left the shack through the back door. Bill huffed in annoyance while Ford and Mabel sat where they were, wide eyed.

"Um, what was that about?" Mabel asked breaking the silence.

"Might have something to do with-" Gideon said before a sharp knock on the door cut him off. Pacifica sighed and stood up to answer the door.

"Oh hey Tyrone, uh, long time no see?" Pacifica said nervously.

"Sure it is. Where's Dipper? I heard that he would be here today." Tyrone responded rudely.

"He's not here. He left-"

"Don't test me Southeast."

"It's not my fault you don't believe me you stuck up jerk!" the group heard Pacifica yell. They heard the slam of a door and pounding of foot steps. Pacifica returned seconds later. "He's so-UGH!" Pacifica shrieked in anger.

"What was THAT about?" Mabel asked.

"Him and Dipper are a, thing. But after Dipper saw the way he treats Will, Bills counter part, Dipper decided to take a break. Seems more like a break up if you ask me." Gideon said with an eye roll.

"Wait, DIPPERS GAY?!" Mabel shrieked. Ford already had his mouth gaping open.

"What, you didn't know?" Pacifica asked. Mabel shook her head no. Bill snapped to attention and ran to the front door. He opened it and in stumbled a person who looked just like Bill, except for the pale skin and blue colors.

"Will! Are you ok?!" Bill asked very concerned.

"Y-y-yeah, j-just low on m-my p-powers...D-Dipper really p-pushed me t-today...w-with all t-the p-people who s-showed up..." Will said tiredly, frequently stuttering. Bill looked furious because of how weak Will looked. Bill pressed his hand on Wills chest and sent a pulse of magic into Wills body. Some color came back into Wills face and he looked more aware.


"Y-yes, thank you B-Bill." Will said stuttering. Bill kissed the top of Wills head causing Will to blush. Bill took his hand and guided him into the living room.

"Everyone, this is Will, my reverse self. Will, this is Mabel and Ford." Bill said introducing Will to everyone.

"U-um, h-hello there." Will stuttered nervously. Mabel and Ford said hello with a smile. Tad walked over and shook hands with Will.

"How's my counter part been?" Tad asked Will.

"I'm n-not q-quite sure. W-we aren't aloud t-to s-speak with each o-other. I-If we do w-we're p-punished." Will said nervously. Tad frowned at this but did not press the matter. He would have to have a word with his daughters counter part. "H-Have you seen B-Burning Tree?" Will asked.

"He was here a few moments ago before you showed up. He asked for Pinetree but he had already left." Bill said. Will sighed.

"B-Burning Tree really wanted t-to see P-Pinetree." Will said.

"Well he won't see him anytime soon."

"H-He's been r-really angry and u-upset that Pinetree h-hasn't talked with h-him."

"That's Burning trees fault. Pinetree caught him hurting you and he put their relationship on hold."

"H-He shouldn't be c-concerned for m-me."

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