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Alcor slept most of the day away since he was still recovering from his injuries. His wounds that Ford had stitched up were healed but his wing was still broken and needed more time to heal. While Alcor was sleeping, Bill and Ford were setting up a training area outside the shack to train Mabel and re-train Alcor. When they had finished, some time in the afternoon, Alcor came outside, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Hey guys what's all this?" he asked yawning.

"Just a little training field for you and-uh Dipper? Why do you look like that?" Ford asked staring at Alcor.

"Like what?" Alcor asked confused.

"Here Pinetree take a look." Bill said smirking. He knew what was going on. Alcor looked into the mirror his dad conjured up and just stared at his reflection for a few seconds. Then he started chuckling. He looked almost human, except for the wings, cat slit eyes, ears, tail, and paws for feet and claws on his hands.

"Dad, make another mark on the board." Alcor said still snickering. Bill snapped his fingers and a tally board appeared. Bill put a tally on the board then made it disappear.

"What's the tally board for uncle Bill?" Mabel asked curiously.

"Its kind of a joke. We keep track of how many times Alcor's shifted in his sleep. Some were funny, others were down right terrifying." Bill said chuckling.

"In all honesty I could get used to a form like this. I kinda like it." Alcor said flexing his wings a bit.

"Yes, but, I would avoid the paws if I were you Dipper, and the claws, and tail and's a little strange." Ford said.

"Noted." Alcor said in a monotone voice.

"So, are you kids ready to train?" Bill asked.

"Yeah! I'm so excited!" Mabel said jumping up and down like a little kid. Alcor just gave a slight nod of his head. Bill and Ford lead them to a basic training procedure. Target practice.

"We're gonna start with the basics. Shooting Star you first." Bill said gesturing to the target. Mabel took her place at the line which was a good thirty feet or so from the target. She closed her eyes and imagined a fireball forming in her hand. When she opened them, a pink ball of fire sat in her palm. She lifted her hand and threw it. The fireball came into contact with the target setting it on fire. The flames were of course pink.

"Nice aim Mabel." Ford said.

"Thanks!" Mabel said beaming.

"Alcor you're up." Bill said. Alcor took his place at the line. He pointed his fingers like a gun at the target and fired. On impact, the target exploded, and blowing up every target nearby. Green flames covered the remains of the targets.

"Uhh...sorry?" Alcor said sheepishly, his ears pressed flat against his head.

"Um, ok new plan! Pinetree you come with me and Mabel, I'll call a friend to help train you since Gab and Tad are resting and my cousin Kryptos is busy." Bill said guiding Alcor away.

"Who do you think is gonna help us?" Mabel asked Ford.

"Not sure. I didn't even know so many demons existed." Ford said rubbing his head. A few seconds later, a crescent shaped demon appeared in a burst of silvery black flames.

"So you must be the human and demon I'm helping out today huh? Your Tad's girl right? My names Megan Nicole Nelson." the demon said. The demon who was a cresent moon, was a silvery color and the points of the crescent were faced up to the sky. She also had a single eye in the  middle of her form.

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