Forgive and Forget

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Nightmare Realm: Next Morning
Mabel had pleasant dreams that night, probably the happiest one she's had in a long time. When the child hood memory dream Alcor had put in Mabel's mind ended, the dream turned dark. The day her brother left her came back to haunt her again. It always did. She could never move, she was rooted to the spot watching her brother become a demon and leave her. No matter what she did, she could never turn away.

" NO!" Mabel screamed waking up with a start. She started crying. She pulled her head into sweater town, the dream haunting her. Suddenly she heard a rustling sound, like someone or something in a tree or bush. She pulled her head out of sweater town and saw she wasn't in her room. 'WHERE THE HECK AM I?!' Mabel thought to herself panicking. Alcor watched her from the trees in his room. He watched Mabel get up from his bed and look around the room. She looked up at the fifty foot tall trees in his room. 'Who made that rustling noise?' Alcor heard his sister think to herself. He moved to another tree making noises as he moved.

"Who-whose there?!" Mabel asked clearly scared. She was in an unknown location. She had no idea where she was. And she had the feeling that she wasn't alone either.
Alcor debated on what he should do. He could stay hidden from Mabel or he could come out from hiding. He sighed.


'I hope I'm making the right move here...' Alcor thought to himself. When his sisters back was turned away from him, he slowly and silently floated down to the ground. His feet made a soft clicking noise when they touched the ground. Mabel instantly turned her head around to the sound and saw her brother stand before her. She fell onto the ground and backed away into a wall creating distance between herself and her brother. Pure fear in her eyes. She didn't know what her brother was going to do. She was breathing heavily. She stared at her brother who had no emotion on his face whatsoever. He slowly made his way over to Mabel who was trapped. Tears began to stream down her face making Alcor stop. He looked at Mabel who was less than a foot in front of him.

'She's really this scared of me isn't she?' he thought. His sister closed her eyes looking away from him. 'Mabel...' he thought before kneeling down in front of her, and pulling her into a hug. He heard his sisters breath hitch and her whole body tense. Alcor couldn't hold back anymore. He let the tears fall. He began sobbing into Mabel's shoulder. Mabel was shocked. Her brother, the one who left her to go with Bill, the one who abandoned her for two years, was kneeling on the floor hugging her, crying.

"D-Dipper?" she asked with uncertainty. He released her and backed away a good two feet from her, pulling his knees to his head and wrapping his arms around them, his figuring bobbing a bit as he cried. Mabel crawled towards her brother and wrapped him in her arms. He stopped sobbing and looked up at her, his one green eye, red and puffy from crying.

"Mabel...I'm so sorry! I should've known you didn't tell me a-about Bill because you w-were trying to p-protect me. I'm so so sorry Mabel!" Alcor said looking away from her crying even harder.

"No, D-Dipper, I-I should have told you n-no matter what. Your my b-brother. I don't b-blame you, I blame m-myself." Mabel said facing her brothers face towards her.

"You must be terrified of me." Alcor said sadly wiping his tear stained face.

"Of course not Dipper, your my brother. My other half." Mabel said smiling tears still streaming down her cheeks.

"Awkward sibling hug?" Alcor asked pulling away from Mabel.

"Sincere demon sibling hug." Mabel said smiling. The two hugged tightly and said 'pat pat' as they pat each others backs. They sat there like that for a few moments, enjoying each other's company. When they let go, both smiled at each other. "I missed you so much Dipper." Mabel said looking at her brother.

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