Monster Falls

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Mystery Shack: Front Lawn
"W-what's wrong with Dipper? W-why did he r-run away?" Mabel asked starting to cry. The look of fear in her cousins eyes when he shifted, it made her blood run ice cold.

"What did he say to you before he ran off?" Tad asked floating besides his daughter in his human form.

"He s-said something about h-him not wanting t-to hurt anyone and t-that he was a m-monster." Mabel said, tears running down her cheeks.

"Oh Pinetree..." Bill said looking out into the forest.

"Bill, I know your worried but we can't wait. We have to find Alcor." Gab said snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Y-Your right. Let's shift and start to look for him." Bill said.

"Wait, why did Dipper turn into a sphinx? I didn't know you could shape shift." Ford asked curiously.

"We have three forms. Our demon and human form, and then there's our monster form. It helps us blend in around here or in other dimensions. Now enough waiting we have to find Alcor!" Bill said. He and Gab began shifting. Their bodies became bigger longer. They dropped to all fours and their hands and feet turned into claws. Wings sprouted from their backs and a tail grew from their body. Their face shifted and when the transformation was complete, there before the group, stood two dragons. One was golden colored with a glowing blue eye on its forehead and the other a dark blue color with a glowing yellow eye on its forehead.

'Stan, Ford, you'll ride with me. Tad and Mabel, you ride with Bill.' Gab said telepathically to the group.

"No, it's fine Gab, I can shift and carry Mabel. I have plenty of strength." Tad said. Just as Bill was about to say otherwise, Tad had already begun shifting. He dropped to all fours like the others. His lower body shifted to that of a lion and a tail grew from his back. His upper half shifted into what looked like an eagle. His arms became talons and his upper body sprouted feathers and a beak formed where his mouth once was. On his back, large powerful wings formed, completing the transformation. There now stood a griffin with dark purple fur and light purple colored feathers. Tad stretched his wings out and gave them a slight flap.

'Haven't used this form in quite awhile.' Tad said telepathically to the group.

'Ok since I don't have to carry the both of you, Ford go with Bill and Stan you come with me.' Gab said.

"I will not go with Cipher! I refuse to!" Ford shouted at the dragon.

"Too late poindexter. I'm already set to go." Stan said from Gabs back. Ford huffed in extreme annoyance. Before he could start arguing again, Gab started flapping her wings and took flight towards the forest.

'Well Fordsy looks like it's just you and me!' Bill said. He crouched down to the ground to let Ford climb up, much to Fords disliking. Once he was set, Bill began flapping his wings bringing them up into the air, Tad following behind him with Mabel on his back.

"Is Dipper gonna be ok?" Mabel asked her dad, eyes red and puffy from crying.

'We'll find him Stella. Don't fret. We'll bring him home safe.' Tad replied to her telepathically.

"I hope so." Mabel said.

Deep In the Forest


Alcor ran for what felt like an eternity. When he finally stopped he noticed he was at the edge of the forest by the lake where he and Mabel thought they found the Gobblewonker. He remembered the hidden cavern behind the waterfall and decided to stay hidden there. When he was sure the coast was clear, he spread his wings and ran onto the dock and jumped and took flight. He flapped his wings in the direction of the waterfall. His ears flicked and he heard someone, calling his name. He recognized the voice. It was Ford. His heart stopped and for a moment, he stopped in the air. He snapped out of it and started flying even faster for the cave. He flew into the waterfall and landed in the hidden caverns pond. The force of the waterfall caused him to lose flight and crash. He emerged from the water and shook the water off of him. He flapped his wings to shake off whatever water remained. He panted and listened for anyone who could discover his location. When he heard nothing but the sound of the waterfall, he calmed down. Alcor would've changed into his demon or human form, but he was afraid his dad would sense his magic. It's harder to detect it in his monster form. Alcor paced around for a bit. He couldn't get the thought out of his head about what he had done. He almost killed the people he loved! He started Weirdmaggedon two, threw the town into chaos, what was he doing?! Then he thought of Mabel. Her lifeless body on the floor. He almost killed his cousin. Tears began streaking down his face from his one good eye. The other was scarred shut. An 'X' shaped scar was on his left eye where his eye patch would be. The symbol of the society of the Blind Eye. Everyone had it which was why they all wore an eye patch. Except Mabel. He walked over to a small hidden cave in the side of cavern that was hidden by some boulders. It was just big enough for him to crawl in and lay down. Alcor decided he would stay here until he felt ready to go back. Either that or he would never return.

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