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So I noticed that there's a lot of confusion in some parts of my book. Totally my fault sorry! But because I take the time to read everyone's comments, I will be answer and question you guys may have on the book! Please comment your questions and I will answer them ASAP! Also next chapter will be coming soon! So expect another update at some point!

Oodooway- How have you been inspired to write fan fiction... and how did you get these original ideas!? I LOVE THEM
Answer- Yes! I read a book called Bill Cipher's Son by DipperCipher0 and I read it a million times. It's amazing! Mine compared to theirs, I'm nowhere close! Definitely go read it! As for the second part of your question-
Bill- *Mumbles*
Me- EXACTLY!!! YOU CAN TAKE CREDIT WHEN ITS YOURS TO TAKE!!! *Calms down, deep breath* Now, I never had an actual plan for the book believe it or not! I literally write what comes to mind, BUT I do refer back to my other chapters so that I have a solid story line. For what's occurring now, I had a plan for this. I was in class thinking of what could possibly make the book more interesting, and a book cover smacked me in the face on Wattpad and gave me the perfect idea. EVIL ALCOR!!! So yeah! I do know the book will end soon, BUT THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL!!! I hope I answered your question!!!

Total_Billdip_Trash- How did you come up with the name Alcor and the other non-comeo demons in this awesome fic??? I suck at names
Answer- Alcor is the name of a star in the Big Dipper and Dipper has the Big Dipper birthmark so I figured it was a good name. Also I saw lots of other books used it and I wondered why. This was the reason. The next part of your question, I literally googled evil demon/god names and looked through what came up. Aeron seemed fitting since in the battle scene is going to have lots of carnage, which is part of what his name means. The other demon I had in the chapter "Back to Square One" was made by a reader who won a previous contest I had. And thank you for the compliments and feedback!!! Love hearing positive things from you guys!!!It makes my day!!! I hope I covered everything!!!

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