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Ok so let's get some stuff out of the way quickly. Shoutout to Total_Billdip_Trash for being my number one fan throughout this whole book! Love your support and kind loving adoring words!!! And shoutout to CanehdienHalfa for solving the cipher!!!

The light faded after a few moments leaving a four armed figure with three eyes dressed in a black body suit that covered their whole body, except their hands and head. It had the galaxy on it along with a black cloak that waved gently in the breeze. The stars and planets moved about the fabric and the patterns were constantly changing. The figure had pale skin and hair as black as night which was shaved on the sides and slightly wavy combed over hair on the top of their head. The figure kept their eyes closed and snapped their fingers. A long white strip of what seemed like fabric or ribbon appeared in their hand. The being took the ends in two of their hands and tied it around their face, covering just their eyes. Once they had finished, they let their hands drop and sighed heavily, and spoke.

"It feels strange being together again after so long." the fusion spoke softly. Their voice was neither Gabs nor Bills. It was an all new voice that belonged to an entirely different person. The figure looked down at their body and took in its form along with its four hands. It seemed to take in all of its features as if it didn't know what it looked like.

"How do you feel?" Tad asked. The figure brought its head up to face Tad.

"The best word is...complete." it said.

"Dad? I'm very confused. What is going on right now?! Where's Aunt Luna and Uncle Bill and who IS this person?!" Stella asked. The figure turned its head to face Stella. It floated a few feet off the ground and headed towards Stella.

"Excuse my lack of formalities. It's just been so long since we've been one being. It's a lot to take in. My name is Aether. I am Gab and Bill together in one body. You could say I'm a fusion of both of them." the figure now named Aether said.


"Wait demons can FUSE?!" Ford asked completely in shock.

"Not necessarily. You see, Gab and Bill are twins yes? Demon twins are rare, extremely so. Because of this, when both siblings are born they both feel apart of themselves are missing. They are generally unstable because of this. To help keep them stable they stay together or fuse into one being and form a more complete form. It helps with the demons mental stability. The only reason they can do this is because they were once one being before they split into two separate beings. If one sibling were to...pass away, the other would fall into a state of despair and cease to exist which is why so few demon twins even exist." Aether explained. Stan, Ford, and Stella were jaw dropped while Tad stood like the entire situation was a normal everyday thing.

"That's a bit....intense...." Stan said after a few moments.

"I'll say." Ford said agreeing with his brother. He was so shocked he was at a loss for any other words.

"Are Gab and Bill still there in your head or...?" Stella asked trailing off uncertainly.

"Yes and no. They're only there if the fusion of me becomes unstable but for now, it's just me." Aether said. Stella nodded her head.

"Uh, Aether, uh, what's up with the blindfold?" Stan asked scratching behind his neck.

"It's a precaution. Unfortunately with Bill and Gab being the most powerful beings in existent throughout the other realities, they're fusion is even more powerful. My eyes are extremely deadly to look at if you are mortal. So as a precaution I keep my eyes covered. And yes I can still see perfectly clear." Aether said smiling slightly.

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