The Change

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An hour later, Candy, Grenda, and Pacifica ran up to the mystery shack.

"Mabel! Your ok!" Candy said hugging Mabel.

"We thought we lost for like, EVER!" Grenda shouted.

"Glad to see your-uhh..." Pacifica began to say before noticing the group of demons.

"Nice to see you Llama." Alcor said looking at Pacifica.

"What? Llama?" Pacifica asked confused.

"AAH ITS DIPPER! STAY BACK MABEL WE'LL PROTECT YOU!" Grenda shouted putting her fists up.

"Hey! If I didn't take Mabel, she would have died!" Alcor shouted getting annoyed.

"Wait, DIPPER?!" Pacifica said in shock.

"The one and only!" Alcor said smiling showing his demon fangs.

"" Pacifica said.

"Yeah I'll explain later." Alcor said.

"Guys guess what?" Mabel said smiling.

"What?" the three girls asked.

"I'M A DEMON!" Mabel shouted gleefully. The three girls jaw dropped.

"WAIT WHAT?! HOLD UP WHAT?!" Pacifica shouted in utter confusion.

"Shut," Candy said.

"Up," Grenda said.

"Dad ready to begin?" Mabel said smiling to Tad.

"Whenever your ready." Tad said.

"Ok guys, just go sit and watch and I'll explain after ok?" Mabel said guiding her shocked friends to the porch. The three girls sat down and turned to watch Mabel. She walked away from the group so there was enough room between herself and her friends. "Ok dad, let's start." Mabel said. Tad nodded his head and started chanting. His hands lit up in purple flames and his eyes glowed with power. Mabel began floating in the air and her eyes began to glow pink from the energy. A zodiac summoning circle appeared beneath her and there was a flash. After the light faded, Mabel was still in the same clothes as before but she had pink streaks running through her hair. Unlike the others she had no eye patch. Both her eyes were bright pink. Mabel looked at herself and at her hands. "I don't feel any different." Mabel said.

"Snap your fingers." Tad said.
'Oh this should be funny.' Alcor thought to himself. Mabel snapped her fingers and bright pink flames appeared on her hand.

"CRAP CRAP CRAP PUT IT OUT!" Mabel started screaming. Alcor busted out laughing at his cousin.

"It's not funny Dipper!" Mabel shouted flaming hand on her hip.

"It is quite funny the second time around Shooting Star." Bill said laughing.

"Oh grow up Bill. Don't worry Mabel, I'll teach you how to use and control your powers." Gab said walking up to Mabel. "Remember. Close your eyes. Breathe and relax." Gab said. Mabel did exactly that and the flames died out. "Well done." Gab said smiling.

"Wait, does this mean I'll have to leave like Dipper?" Mabel asked sadly.

"No but for some lessons we will have to go to the Nightmare Realm. Just so you don't accidentally blow or burn anything up." Gab said.

"Yeah. Take Pinetree here for example! He sneezed and blew up half of his bedroom wall!" Bill said laughing.

"Dad!" Alcor whined.

"Really?! That's awesome! And super hilarious!" Mabel said smiling.

"Yes, he's quite powerful." Bill said ruffling Alcor's head. Alcor looked up and smiled at his dad proudly.

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