Nightmare Deal

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Before I begin the next chapter, I just wanted to give a shout out to KutesyKitty for solving the art code!!! Congrats to,you and on with the story!!!

After Alcors surprise, he returned back to the clearing with his dads. When they walked out of the forest, the first to spot them was Stella.

"Hey cuz! Hey Uncle Bill! Hi Will! Where did you guys go? You were gone for so long! How was your surprise? What was it? Was it a pet? Was it a new spell book?! WAS IT A-"

"Stella calm down! I'll tell you if you stop asking a million questions!" Alcor said. Stella shook her head eagerly. "But first, how much Smile Dip did you eat?" Alcor asked with a groan.

"Only ten bags!" Stella said smiling.

"ONLY TEN?! STELLA REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME YOU ATE THAT MANY BAGS?!" Alcor asked in shock. Stella just giggled and frolicked around Alcor.

"So what was your surprise huh? What was it, what was it, what was it!" Stella asked giddily.

"I'll tell you when your off you sugar high." Alcor said monotonously. Stella groaned but perked up and ran over to Mabel, dragging her onto the bounce house.

"Um, how long is your cousin going to be like that for?" Tyrone asked walking over with Ford, Gideon, and Pacifica.

"Who knows. When it ends, it ends." Alcor said with a sigh. His cousin was in for one nasty sugar crash the next morning.

"So mind telling me what your birthday surprise was?" Tyrone asked. Alcor gave him a sideways glance and smiled.

"Nope. I wanna tell everyone together so when we go back to Gravity Falls tomorrow, come with us so I can share the news with my folks back home." Alcor said. Tyrone nodded his head. A loud pop echoed through the clearing and everyone turned to see the bounce house deflating with Stella and Mabel climbing out of the giant heap.

"WOO HOO! LETS DO IT AGAIN!" Stella yelled. Mabel took her hand in her own and pulled them towards a table to sit down. She pulled Stella onto her lap and played with her hair. She held Stella like that for a few moments until she passed out on the spot.

"Well that was rather quick." Bill said. Alcor chuckled.

"I've never seen Stella go down so quick before. I need Mabel to do that more often." Alcor said with a grin. He turned towards the horizon to see the sun setting. The last rays of light lit the sky up in vibrant colors of orange, yellow, pink, and purple. "It's getting late now." Alcor said.

"Guess the parties over!" Bill said. He snapped his fingers and all the decorations and tables set up for the party disappeared.

"Your spending the night with me again right?" Tyrone said as he hugged Alcor from behind.

"Where else would I sleep?" Alcor asked with a laugh.

"Good." Tyrone said as he picked up Alcor. He started carrying him bridle style while Alcor held on to Tyrone laughing.

"Mabel, will y-you be coming back t-to the tent?" Will asked.

"No, I'll be staying with Stella." she said. Mabel stood up and picked Stella up bridle style as well. "Will, send me to the shack." Mabel said. Bill arched his eyebrow at Mabel and glared at her. Mabel felt his glare on her. She gritted her teeth in annoyance. "Please." she said after a moment. Will snapped his fingers and she and Stella were gone. Bill stood with a victorious smirk playing on his lips.

"You don't h-have to be like t-that Bill." Will said.

"Nope. I refuse to let you be treated like a doormat while I'm around. Heck you shouldn't be treated like that in general!" Bill said crossing his arms.

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