Game Called Life

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Back in Reality After Dipper and Bill Left
"I should have told him Grunkle Stan! I should have said something! It's all my fault!" Mabel cried hysterically.

"No, no pumpkin, it's not your fault, it's all of ours." Stan said glaring at his brother.

"There has to be a way to bring him back home. We have to convince Dipper to trust us again." Ford said with his hand to his chin.

"Let's just go back to the shack and explain to everyone what had happened. Your friends are probably worried Mabel. Come on." Stan said standing up pulling Mabel to her feet. She looked back to where her brother stood before turning away to walk back to the shack.

Back at the Shack
Everyone was panicking. They had just witnessed the return of Bill Cipher and Dipper running off into the forest, hands ablaze with green flames. No one could even begin to imagine what was going on or try to understand what had happened.

"I hope Mabel is ok." Candy said to Grenda, who nodded her head. Mabel and the twins came out from the forest and were instantly swarmed by all the people who came to the party. All of them asking what had happened, where's Dipper, why is Bill still alive, what's going to happen. Stan and Ford pushed through the crowd, Mabel trailing close behind. They got up onto the porch and yelled for silence.

"I understand your all very confused and scared about what just happened. So I'm going to be very straight forward about the situation." Ford said addressing the crowd. "Bill was not destroyed. He is very much alive, and is most likely still a threat." Ford said.
The crowd started to panic, some shouting that they were all doomed, it's the end of the world, and so on. Mabel and Stan just stood and watched Ford talking to the citizens of the town.

"Wait wait wait! Hold up! Where's Dipper at?" Wendy asked shouting above the crowd. Everyone fell silent at the question and turned to Ford.

"Dipper is not coming back. He may never come back. He's the son of Bill." Ford said cringing.

"WHAT?!" the crowd shouted. They couldn't and didn't want to believe that the sweet twelve year old boy they knew who loved mysteries and adventure and cared deeply for his family, was the son of a crazed demon.

"I stole him as a baby and gave him to Mabel's parents to take care of. I didn't want Bill to find him because I knew that if he raised him, Dippers powers would be like Bill's. Unstoppable. I thought that raising him here in our world, he would grow up to live a normal life without Bill. When I found out that Bill knew he was his son, I did have the choice to tell Dipper, but ended up hiding it from him, lying to him. I thought that if I could keep Bill away from Dipper and conceal him, Bill wouldn't be able to find him again. My plan failed me and in the process, destroyed what little trust I had with Dipper. I did the same with my niece and own brother telling them to refrain from telling Dipper the truth. This is not their fault. The blame is on me." Ford finished with tears in his eyes. "It's all my fault. I'm sorry, I have to go..." Ford said tears streaming down his face as he turned away from the crowd and into the shack.

"Sheriff, I need a favor. If you see Dipper, find me immediately. Got it?" Stan said to Sheriff Blubs.

"Sure thing Mr. Pines." he replied. "Come on Durland." he said to his partner. They both walked away back to town.

"Ok everyone, just head on home now, parties over." Stan said. Everyone left except Candy, Grenda, Wendy, Soos and Pacifica. The small group walked up to Mabel who was still crying.

"Don't worry dude, we'll get Dipper back." Soos said.

"That's just it. I don't think we can." Mabel said crying.

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