Power Surge

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Mystery Shack: Next Morning
Bill was awoken the next morning hearing the sound of his son crying. Alcor was mumbling in his sleep.

"No...no...p-please s-stop it...no more....no m-more! S-someone....h-help...me!" he cried out.

"Alcor! Wake up! It's ok it's ok it's a dream!" Bill said trying to shake his son awake.

"N-no...s-stay back! G-get away! I-I said STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Alcor shouted demonically blasting his dad through the wall of the shack. Bill landed on the ground, still in demon form. He floated up and turned into his human form looking at his son who was in his human form floating in the air, his eyes close but turning his body in different directions as if he was looking for someone or something.

"Bill?! What's going on?!" Gab shouted appearing by her brothers side in her demon form.

"I-I don't know!" Bill said staggering.

"Brother! Are you all right?!" Tad said limping out the door of the shack towards his brother.

"I am. Not Alcor." Bill said looking at his son. Suddenly Alcor started throwing green fire balls, as if he was trying to hit something.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME! WHEN I FIND YOU I'LL DESTROY YOU!" he shouted at nothing demonically.

"Dipper?! What are you doing?!" Mabel shouted looking up at her brother from the porch of the shack. Alcor not hearing her, continued to hurl green fireballs.

"Hot Belgium waffles! What the heck is the kid doing?!" Stan shouted with Ford at his side.

"I don't know but I'm gonna stop him now!" Bill said flying up to his son. Alcor sensing his dad's energy turned around and tried to punch him. Bill moved out of the way and put two fingers to his sons head and jumped into his Mindscape.

Alcor's Mindscape
When Bill arrived in Alcor's Mindscape, he saw that everything was black and cloudy.

'This is the worst nightmare I've ever seen someone have.' Bill thought. He used his powers to collect all the black clouds in Alcor's mind and trap them in a dream catcher. It was a woven dream catcher with gold thread with a silvery glow with white feathers hanging from the bottom. When the black clouds had all been trapped in the dream catcher, the gold thread became tarnished and took on a red glow and the feathers had turned black. After that Bill exited Alcor's Mindscape and entered reality again.

Mystery Shack
Bill opened his eye and looked around. He saw his son in his brother and sisters hands, still asleep. He looked at the dream catcher still in his hands. He held it up towards the sun and black mist began to come off of the dream catcher. The feathers began to turn white and the thread slowly began to become untarnished. Once all the mist had gone, the dream catcher had looked as it had before. Bill made it disappear and floated back down towards his son who began to stir.

"Ugh...w-where am I? D-dad?" Alcor said sitting up and looking for his dad.

"I'm right here Pinetree." Bill said kneeling down in front of his son. As soon as Alcor's eye saw him, he pulled his dad into a hug and began to cry.

"Oh my god dad, it was horrible, I saw everyone getting hurt and it was all my fault! I saw Tad unconscious and Mabel dead! I-I..." Alcor said crying into his dad's shirt. Bill hugged him and held him close.

"W-wait, where's Mabel?" Alcor asked fearfully.

"It's ok Dipper, I'm right here." Mabel said walking over to her cousin. She kneeled down and embraced Alcor who was still crying.

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