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P.S Don't bug me about the name, this is about as original as I can get when it comes to things like this. But if you have a better name please DM or comment to me. Credit WILL be given!!! Oh and the name chosen is....

"Abaddon." Aeron said with a wicked grin. The dark figure, Abaddon smiled wickedly at its master, its teeth all sharp and white. "Now do not make the Cipher's and Strange's aware of your presence. Yet. Just start imprisoning the humans and wait for your next orders, and you are allowed to use force and harm them if they resist. Just don't kill them. I want to hear their tortured screams myself." Aeron said. Abandon nodded his head and disappeared in a wisp of black smoke back into reality. "Oh I just love it when things go according to plans!" Aeron said grinning. He disappeared in a wisp of black smoke and appeared in a clearing in the forest far from the shack but close to the town. Abaddon already had people from the town locked in a giant cage. The citizens of Gravity Falls had been restrained and gagged. They looked around fearfully at where they were and what had taken them from their homes at the dead of night.

"Master, what shall I do with the puny mortals once I have finished collecting them all?" Abaddon asked in a raspy echoey voice.

"Well I'll use half for decor around my palace and the others will be used for torture or sacrifices if needed!" Aeron said sadistically.

"As you wish." Abaddon replied. He teleported away and gathered every last citizen of the town, making sure not to set foot near the shack, as his master had told him not to disturb the people who were there. "Master, I have completed your request. What do you wish for me to do?" Abaddon asked.

"Ah yes, phase two of my plan. I need, your powers. Not all just enough to open a rift into the Nightmare realm to summon my minions." Aeron said.

"Master, I must warn that if my powers are stripped from me, you will not be able to use them. Even if I willingly gave them to you, they still would not work. You will have no access to them." Abaddon explained. Aeron growled angrily. "But allow me to open a rift for you. I have enough power and knowledge to do so easily." Abaddon said.

"Interesting, very well proceed." Aeron said. 'Even if I can't take his powers or have him give them to me, I can still bend him to my will. As long as he is under my control, I cannot be defeated!' Aeron thought with wicked glee. Abandon stood in the center of the forest clearing. The inky blackness that surrounded his body, dripped from his four hands onto the ground. There it spread and formed Alcors zodiac summoning circle. Abaddon began his chant.

"L, DOFRU GLSSHU FLSKHU, RSHQ WKH JDWHZAB EHWZHHQ UHDOLWB DQG PLQGVFDSH, WR XQOHDVK WKH FKDRV ZLWKLQ! DOORZ WKRVH ORBDO WR DHURQ EORRGUDBQH WR SDVV DQG NHHS WKRVH ORBDO WR WKH FLSKHU'V DQG VWUDQJH'V DZDB! XQOHDVK WKH HYLO GHVWUXFWLYH SRZHU ZLWKLQ!" Abaddon shouted raising his arms towards the sky above. Green flames tainted with black and dark red shot out of Abaddons four hands. The flames formed two giant hands that dug into the air above. The hands gripped invisible seams and pulled them apart to reveal the colorful, yet destructive forces of the Nightmare realm.

(A/N Shoutout to whoever can decode Abaddons chant! And this took SO LONG TO TYPE OMG!!! And because I'm nice, I'll give you guys a hint. A=D. That's your hint! Good luck! And comment here what it is once you've figured it out!!!)

When the hole was wide enough, two figures emerged from within and landed on the ground below. The first figure had no arms and an all black head with wide circular eyes and a large grin etched on its face. It wore a green tuxedo with a red tie and black shoes. The other figure was female looking with two heads and one set of arms and legs, which were blue from the knee down and ended at a sharp point. Her fingers were tipped with blue which were extremely sharp. The head on the right had blue eyes with negative pupils, a frown and droopy hair while the left head had bright yellow eyes with plus pupils, a smile and a more upbeat hairstyle. On the chest was an eye with purple where the whites should be, a yellow iris, then a blue iris and a black pupil. Below the eye were six slits around a star like slit in the middle.

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