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Oh mah gawd, AN AUTHORS NOTE FIRST BEFORE A CHAPTER?! ITS SINFUL! ITS A CRIME!!! ITS-ITS-an important message to explain why I didn't update. Ok people, kinda hard to believe but, I. Got. Sick. Yep you heard me right. Me, THE ALL POWERFUL GAB CIPHER GOT SICK! Now you may be asking how? Well...I jinxed myself. I'm gonna give you all advice, never say something out loud if you don't want it to happen and IT ONLY HAPPENS WITH BAD THINGS! *Sigh* Well I'm finally better so here's a new chapter! Enjoy guys!

While Tyrone guided Alcor to Bill and Wills meeting place, they were trying to avoid getting shot at by Stella's bright pink fireballs and stabbed by Mabel's knives being thrown.


"Oh crap, I'm so dead." Alcor said. Tyrone just laughed until a knife whizzed past his head.

"TYRONE GLEEFUL WHEN I GET YOU I'M GONNA USE YOU AS MY PERSONAL TARGET FOR KNIFE THROWING PRACTICE!" Mabel screeched launching another knife that embedded itself in a tree.

"I have an idea!" Alcor said to Tyrone. They were out of earshot from Mabel and Stella so they wont hear the plan.

"WELL TELL ME BEFORE I'M KILLED!" Tyrone yelled as another knife came flying past his head.

"I'll copy the tape and drop the camera so they think they got the real footage." Alcor said quickly. Tyrone nodded his head rapidly. Alcor used his magic and quickly made a copy of the video on a flash drive and made it disappear. "Ok we have to trip and fall down the hill! I'll use my magic so we're not hurt. Start acting!" Alcor said running towards the hill. Tyrone nodded his head and started fake panicking.

"Alcor, ALCOR WATCH OUT FOR THE-" Tyrone cut himself off as he fell down the hill with Alcor 'dropping' their camera. They landed safely on the bottom of the hill. They both groaned and sat up. Mabel and Stella caught up in seconds and slid down the hill and grabbed the camera before the boys could.

"Ha! We win!" Stella shouted destroying the camera. Mabel sighed in relief, then turned and glared down at Tyrone.

"I swear when we get back-"

"Aw come on dearest sister. It was all in good fun!" Tyrone said with a devilish grin on his face. Mabel growled at him.

"Dipper I swear next time you try that I will personally have Candy and Grenda cover you in makeup from head to toe with permanent makeup! And I'll use that photo of it for blackmail!" Stella said glaring at her cousin. Alcor visibly gulped in fear since he knew Stella never, and I mean never, broke a promise.

"Ok ok you win." Alcor said surrendering. Both girls sighed in relief.

"Where are we?" Mabel asked looking around the rather large clearing in the forest.

"Your just in time for the party!" Bills voice shouted gleefully. He appeared in the air with Will beside him.

"Dad what are you talking about?" Alcor asked standing up with help from Tyrone.

"Well your birthday is coming up in two days so I figured since the Gleeful twins will be busy with their performances and all, we can celebrate it a little earlier than usual before we throw one back in Gravity Falls." Bill said with a smirk.

"That sounds like a great plan!" Stella said happily. Alcor smiled before he paused.

"Hey dad, where's Ford?" Alcor asked not seeing his grunkle in sight.

"Oh hold up." Bill said before he disappeared and reappeared a moment later with Ford. Bill was holding him in the air from his coat.

"Bill! What are you doing?!" Ford yelled angrily.

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