Monster Falls Part 2

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Mystery Shack: Morning


Everyone was sleeping peacefully in bed. That is until an ear piercing roar from outside woke everyone up. Everyone ran, or floated in Tads case, downstairs to see what the commotion was about. When they exited the shack, the saw Gab holding Bill down, still in their monster forms, as he was spewing fire with tears streaming down his face.

'I NEED TO FIND ALCOR, I NEED TO FIND HIM!' Bill screamed telepathically.

'BILL IF YOU DON'T CALM DOWN WE WONT BE ABLE TO FIND HIM!' Gab shouted trying to get Bill to stop. He was still fighting to get lose and with one final effort, threw himself at Gab and managed to get out of her grip. He spread his wings and took flight towards the lake.

"We have to go after him!" Ford shouted running towards Gab.

'GET ON!' Gab shouted. Stan and Ford climbed onto Gabs back and Mabel climbed onto Tads once he had finished his transformation. The group took flight and flew after Bill. After a few minutes the group came across Bill flying above the lake, searching for Alcor. He flew from one spot to the next, then a different area.

'PINETREE!' he screamed out, roaring in the process. He still had tears streaming down his face.

'Stan, Ford, Mabel, you go find Dipper. Me and Tad will take care of Bill.' Gab said as she and Tad landed on the shores of the lake. When Stan and Ford had climbed off, Gab took flight and flew towards Bill. Mabel climbed off of Tad and hugged him around his neck.

"Be safe dad." Mabel said looking at Tad.

'And you as well. I love you Stella.' Tad said nuzzling her.

"I love you too dad." Mabel said tearing up a bit. Tad took flight and flew after Gab towards Bill. "Come on we have to find Dipper otherwise Bill won't calm down!" Mabel said running into the docks, Stan and Ford trailing behind her.

"We need a boat to get to the waterfall." Ford said looking across the lake.

"Well what are you waiting for?! Get in!" Stan shouted pulling up in a motor boat. Ford and Mabel climbed in and Stan steered the boat towards the waterfall. They looked up and saw Bill and Gab plummeting towards them.

"STANLEY LOOK OUT!" Ford shouted pointing towards the two dragons.
Stan shifted the boat away enough for them to avoid getting hit but they were still sent airborne into the sky. Tad saw them and went diving after Mabel and Ford and managed to grab them but Stan was still falling.
"GRUNKLE STAN!" Mabel shouted. She dived off of Tads back and fell after Stan. When she started falling she felt something inside her. Her body began to change. Mabel's arms and legs began to turn into silver hooves while her body elongated and sprouted light pink hair. Her head shifted into a horses with a horn with orange, teal, and purple stripes. At the base of her horn was a star. Wings grew from her body starting off dark then fading to an almost white pink. A long dark pink tail grew from behind and dark pink hair grew into her mane. Mabel flew after Stan and caught him on her back flapping her new strong wings carrying him up to her dad and Ford.

"Oh my god Stanley are you alright?!" Ford asked worried.

"Yeah thanks to Mabel! What the heck happened though?! Your a flying horse?!" Stan asked sitting on Mabel's back.

'I don't really know what I am either. Um but why did I turn into a flying unicorn?' Mabel asked telepathically.

'Natural demon instincts. Your body knew you were in danger and gave you your new form to protect yourself.' Tad said.

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