Family History

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The Mindscape
When Bill had teleported them away from the Pines, they traveled through the Mindscape to their home in the Nightmare realm. Bill looked back at his son who seemed deep in thought. "Is something wrong Alcor?" Bill asked his son turning to him as they floated to where ever home was.

"I was wondering if you could tell me about how we got separated. You said that Sixer had taken me at birth. Could you tell me what happened that day dad?" Alcor asked his father.

"I'll show you." Bill said pausing mid flight stopping his son. He took two fingers and put them on his sons forehead. He closed his eye and pulled Alcor into his mindscape.

"Woah, dad where are we?" Alcor asked looking around the vast land of his fathers mindscape.

"We are in my mindscape." Bill answered gesturing to everything.

"Why is it so vast? It's like its never ending." Alcor said floating around.

"You forget. I am a being of infinite knowledge. I know everything." Bill said floating up besides his son. "Now follow me. I'll show you what happened that day when you were taken from me." Bill said floating to the older parts of his mind. Alcor followed close behind looking at all the doors.

'I can't believe how organized my dad's mind is.' Alcor thought to himself.

"What did you expect my mind to be like Pinetree?" Bill said smiling. He can read minds. He snickered at his sons startled reaction.

"More chaotic to be honest. You know considering Weirdmaggedon." Alcor said smiling remembering the pure chaos his father released on Gravity Falls.

"Knowing that my son is now back at my side, my mind is little more calmer and at peace. My emotions get the best of me and cause me to act rashly. Although that is how I always am so lets just say I'm ever so slightly less chaotic and destructive." Bill said looking for the memory. Alcor laughed at his father.

"I can't argue there dad." Alcor said smiling. "I'm glad were a family again." he said floating closely besides his father.

"Me too son." Bill said hugging Alcor who hugged him back. "Now. Lets find that memory." Bill said taking his sons hand and pulling him through his mindscape. He looked for a particular door and when he found it he came to a stop. The door was a dark shade of blue with a silver pinetree symbol on it.

"Was that always there?" Alcor asked looking at his symbol on the door.

"Actually, no. Must have appeared when I found out you were my son." Bill said. "Come on." he said pulling Alcor into the room. Once they entered, the memory began. Alcor saw his father laughing in his demon form looking at Sixer who was on all fours.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Thanks to you Sixer, my friends and I will be able to spread our weirdness across the globe and then the whole universe!" memory Bill said laughing at Sixer. "But I've got to go to take care of my son so have fun!" Bill said floating away towards a cradle floating in the Nightmare realm. Suddenly, Sixer jumped up into the tear to the Nightmare realm and shot Bill in his eye as he passed him, blinding him.

"AAARGH! MY EYE! HEXMANIACS GET HIM! NOW!" Bill shouted demonically clutching his eye as he turned red with anger. Bill's minions went to attack Sixer only to get shot. He ran past them and grabbed the baby out of the cradle and ran out of the Nightmare realm and back into the Mindscape. "NOOO! MY SON! SIXER RETURN HIM TO ME NOW!" Bill shouted once his eye regenerated. He charged towards Sixer who was holding the baby, when he started chanting a spell. Bills summoning circle blocked the tear between realms trapping Bill inside. "NO NO NO! I'LL GET MY SON BACK ONE DAY SIXER JUST YOU WAIT!" Bill shouted in his red form. Then he disappeared trapped in the nightmare realm until Giddeon summoned him back into reality this summer. After watching the memory, Alcor turned to his father only to see a tear running from his dad's eye, as he relived the horrible day.

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