My Daughter Allissa

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I sprint down the hallway, my heart racing, my eardrums pounding, my sweat drowning me. I run down an endless corridor of doors. Finally, I reach the room she's in.
I creek the door open, and four faces turn towards me when I enter.
"H-hi." I stutter nervously.
"Hi, Kurlzz!" Kate smiles kindly in her hospital bed.
"So, is this the father of my soon-to-be grandchild?" An older lady, about 50 asked. She looked like an older version of Kate, except she didn't have tattoos or dyed hair like Kate did.
"Yes. I am. My name is Matthew Bussek." I replied nervously.
"So, you got naughty with my sister?" A boy about 14 asked me with a crooked smile on his face.
"Oh, shut it, Kyle!" Charlie Scene smiled "I'm the only one who says things like that!"
"So, you're Kyle?" I ask the boy.
"Yes. I'm Kate's little brother. That's our mom, Debra." He replies as he shakes my hand.
We have simple conversations all day, until the staff notifies us that it's time to deliver my child. They kick everyone, but Kate and I out of the room. We're ready!
The surgery lasted for what felt like all night. I sing to Kate to comfort her as my kid prepares to make an exit. Over all, it was really disgusting and gruesome, but it was all worth it once I got to meet my beautiful daughter.
She resembled Charlie Scene for some odd reason, but I was right about her having Kate's sparkling, blue eyes.
"What's the baby's name?" The nurse asked Kate and I.
Name?! I hadn't really thought of one.
Luckily, Kate did "Her name is Allissa." She replied sweetly.
"Ok, can you spell it?"
So, Kate did, but as the last syllable escaped from her lips, the doctors took Allissa to clean her.
Allissa. I liked the sound of it.
While the doctors cleaned her,printed her birth certificate, and assisted Kate into a wheelchair, I stared thinking about how I was gonna raise her. I hope I do ok.
When they finally finished cleaning her, they handed her to Kate, and I received her birth certificate. I traced over the writing: Allissa Jordan Hadden. Why was she named after Charlie Scene? However, I didn't even care all that much.
The doctor's words interrupted my thoughts" You can leave whenever you're ready. Congratulations!" Then, everyone left, until Kate, Allissa, and I were alone.
"Look at her, Kurly." Kate whispered to me as she cried tears of joy and stroked my hair.
"Yeah, but why does she look so much like Charlie Scene?" I wondered out loud.
Kate was silent for several minutes, but finally responded" Maybe when she was born, her genetic code got distorted somehow, but maybe it'll change and she'll look like you when she's older."
After hearing that, I'll never call a blonde dumb again.
"Can I please hold her?" I asked shyly.
She answered by setting Allissa gently in my arms.
"Hi," I whispered while choking up "My name is Da Kurlzz. I'm your daddy. I'm not perfect, but I'll try to raise you the best I can. It's nice to meet you." I kissed her head "I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise."
I held her up to a window that showcased a beautiful sunset that bled orange, yellow, and pink. She cooed softly at the magnificent display.
Watching the sky, I checked the time. It's 8:30?! I didn't realize just how quickly 17 hours passed!
I wondered if the others went home. "Can we see if my band mates are still here?"I asked Kate, lowering Allissa from the window.
"Sure, but you'll have to push my wheelchair." She smiled.
So, I handed her Allissa as she fell asleep in Kate's arms, and I rested my hands on the handles.
The walk throughout the halls was really calming, and freed me from the chains of my emotions for a few minutes.
When we halted at the waiting room, I was surprised to see everyone still here. They were even in their clothes from earlier.
"Show us the product of your ding-a-ling!" Funny Man laughed; he was probably high(but when's he not)
"Oh, shut up, Dylan. You're high." Danny snickered" But seriously, show us the kid! We've waited all frickin' day for this!"
The others nodded in unison. They were here all day?!
"Ok, prepare to be amazed!" I announce proudly as I hold up Allissa for their viewing.
"Aw! She's so cute!" Danny cooed.
"I'm so proud of you two!" Johnny 3 Tears congratulated as he patted my back.
"I call being her godfather!" Funny Man slurred as he swigged a bottle of vodka.
"No, that's my job!" J-Dog teased playfully" Besides, you'd get that poor child high and addicted to weed before her first birthday!"
"F*ck you, J-Dog!" Funny continued to slur" I called it, and I is gonnas-"
He passed out after his last sentence. We all laughed, but the only person not having a good time was Charlie Scene.
In fact, he was in the corner crying. Seeing him cry rekindled my old feelings for him. Part of me wanted to walk up to him, and kiss the living shit out of him. However, he'd hate me for that, but I should comfort him. After all he did, I felt it was the least I could do.
I walk over to him and whisper "Why are you crying?"
He was silent except for a few sniffles, but he finally answered "It's *snif* nothing, K-Kurly *snif*. It's just...*snif* I'm so...p-proud of *snif* you-" before he could say anything else, he started crying again.
"Do you want to hold Allissa?" I asked as a way to comfort him.
"*snif* Yes please." He whispered while I sat Allissa in his arms.
Just as I left to enter a conversation with Kate and Johnny 3 Tears, I heard Charlie Scene whisper to Allissa, but I can't read his lips to know what he was saying.
Later, everyone either got in Charlie Scene or J3T's car to drive to each other's homes.
Kate and I were the last two passengers in J3T's car. I didn't want to just get out and leave her with Allissa. So, I asked "Kate, you wanna stay at my place tonight?"
"Sure, I'd be happy to!" She responded.
So, Johnny and I assisted her out of his car and into my house.

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