My Wedding

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It's been two months since then, and we've spent them planning for today.
I wake up early; too excited to sleep. This is all because today is our wedding.
I pace around my closet nervously while I button my tux. I drown in my own sweat trying to find the perfect tie. I haven't really thought much about what to wear until now. All I've really cared about was the life I could give Allissa once Kate and I were married.
Once I changed out of my pajamas, I noticed Kate was still sleeping.
I bent over and kissed her "Good morning, sunshine." I whispered.
"Good morning, Matty." She yawned, obviously still tired.
"I'm gonna go to the gazebo, I'm dying of nerves in here." I explained "Can I take Allissa with me?"
"Sure, just let me sleep a little more. I did the night shift for my assistant. So, I'm very-" she fell asleep as she spoke.
I left my room to wake Allissa.
I slowly creak the door open. She must've heard me because she lets out a tiny yawn. I approach her slowly. It take a minute for her to guess who woke her, but she smiles and coos once she realizes that it's just me. I pick her up and dress her in a tiny, pink dress with hot pink faux roses on it. She's so cute! I look at her and think of how I'm so blessed to be her daddy.
When we begin driving to the gazebo, my band's newest song plays on the radio.
"Daddy screams in this song!" I gush as I make faces at Allissa while she smiles and giggles at me, and trying to concentrate on the road.
When I finally arrive, I'm surprised to see Charlie Scene and his wife, Randi are already here putting up decorations.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"We wanted to help set up. Is that cool with you?" Charlie Scene answered while planting flowers at the front of the stage.
"Yea, thanks." I smile at him.
"Hey, Matt, isn't that your daughter?" Randi asks sweetly.
Charlie Scene gulps nervously. Why?
"Yes, she is!" I blush "Do you want to hold her?"
Randi nods as I gently set Allissa in her arms.
"She looks a lot like you, Jordan." She teases "It's almost as if you cheated on me."
"What? No!" He laughs nervously "I don't see any resemblance of me in that child."
I think Allissa looks more and more like him each day, but that's just my opinion.
For the next couple of hours, Jordon, Randi, and I plant bleach white flowers, line every solid object with ribbons, display an array of food, and create corridors of chairs.
The guests begin arrive as we push the last chair into place. There weren't very many of them, but I'm glad people actually came.
I greeted everyone happily, most of them were either from Kate's family or my family. I'm even shocked to see some fans here. Wait?! Is that-?! I-I don't remember inviting them!
"What are you doing here?!" I ask, surprised.
"We couldn't miss it, bro!" J3T smiled as he tussled my hair.
"I owe you for saving Danny and I." J-Dog whispered.
"Hey, hey, hey! It's the homie, Funny Man!" Funny shouted as he uncorked and drank some booze.
"It was Kate's idea to invite us," Danny smiled "She told us to bring our families, too. Sorry we didn't tell you sooner."
"Thanks. I-I'm just shocked you came to my wedding...I never came to your thank you." I sighed as I stared at my four best friends.
"Just promise not to cry like the little bitch that you are." Funny Man snickered.
"Ok,ok!" I smirked "Besides, I think that's George's job."
"Don't even bring that up." Johnny 3 Tears glared at us while our insides exploded with laughter that shook our intestines.
We kept laughing until Danny's daughter, Scarlett, interrupted us "Daddy, I wanna hold the baby." She squeaked to Danny.
"I don't know, sweetie. Ask if it's ok with Da Kurlzz." Danny answered.
"It's fine with me." I reply while gently setting Allissa in Scarlett's arms "Just be careful."
Scarlett cradled Allissa and whispered a lullaby to her. It was so cute.
She sang until she was rudely interrupted by Funny Man's nephew, Luca. "I wanna hold her!" He whined.
"I had her first! Get lost!" Scarlett answered.
"F*ck you, bitch!" Luca shouted.
"Where did you learn those words?!" Danny asked Luca angrily.
"Uncle Dylan!" Luca beamed.
"Dylan! Why'd you teach him that?!" Danny growled. He looked like he could punch someone.
"Well, you see,I-"
"That's not important!" I interrupt.
"And why not?!" Danny hisses through his teeth.
"Dylan was probably high, and-"
"F*ck that! That's always his excuse!" Danny clenched his teeth together "He could kill me, completely normal, and he'd just say he was high, and be off the hook!"
"I don't want to make this a big argument." Funny Man sighed "Luca, apologize to Scarlett."
"No! I wanna hold the baby!" Luca screamed.
Danny's wife, Theresa, looked over. "What seems to be the problem?"
"I wanna hold the baby." Luca sulked.
"Ok. I'll give her to you, but only if you share your jellybeans." Scarlett sighed, exasperated while staring at the bag of jellybeans in his hands.
"Deal!" Luca smiled.
Soon after, they were singing Everywhere I Go to Allissa.
"Don't even ask me how they learned it." Danny muttered.
We all began laughing once more. We kept laughing, until the rabbi shuffled over and whispered "It's time."
Immediately, everyone took their positions. I stood on stage nervously staring into the sea of people, anxious for Kate's arrival.
Wait?! Is that her?! She's beautiful!
She walks towards me gracefully while J3T's daughter scatters flowers, creating a carpet of colors at Kate's feet.
I can't help but feel sad that her dad isn't there to walk with her. It's a shame because he died only two years ago, but Kate looks happy nonetheless.
She moves closer and closer, my mind running a track meet, my heart fighting a war and exploding every few seconds, my sweat drowning me and not letting me resurface. I think: She's one of the best things to come into my life.
She glides along the flowers until she's right in front of me on the stage.
"Hi, Kurly." She whispers happily.
"Hi." I smile back as I push back her veil. "You're beautiful!" I blush. I'm so excited, I pray I don't get a boner right now.
The rabbi starts talking. He goes into some long, drawn-out speech about how Kate and I met. I just wish he'd hurry it up. My hands squeeze Kate's so tightly, that her hands might suffocate. I look at Allissa in Randi's arms. I hope Kate and I will be decent parents...
Finally, the speech ends.
"Katelynn Hadden," The crowd smiles at her "Do you take Matthew Bussek to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, until death do you both shall part?"
She silent for a few minutes, but then peacefully replies "I do."
"And Matthew Bussek," The fans in the crowd cheer wildly "Do you take Katelynn Hadden to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, until death do you both shall part?"
I glance at Allissa. I love you, daughter. I'm gonna give you the life that you deserve.
"I do." I reply.
"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Bussek. You may kiss the bride!"
I pull Kate as close as I can to me. All I wanna do is hold her in my arms, and kiss her until I'm out of breath. This kiss feels so amazing that I'm teleported away from all the cheering and pandemonium, and Kate and I are the only two people to ever exist.
That feeling sadly ends when she releases herself from me and pecks my cheek.
Kyle bears our rings, and the crowd goes nuts. He whispers to Kate "Congrats, sis!"
It feels like one of my band's concerts due to the cheering and music blaring.
I'm showered in congratulations and cheers for the rest of the night.
Kate chucks her bouquet of blue roses into a gaggle of fangirls, that only increases the volume of the cheerful screams.
Everyone was starving. So, we sunk our teeth into the sugary, vanilla wonderland of the cake. It was so tasty, we had to restrict ourselves to only two slices per person.
Kate pecks my lips and whispers "You taste almost as good as the frosting."
She then dips her finger into the sugary icing, and plasters it all over my nose. Seeing that, everyone starts smearing cake all over each other. It's awesome!
I spent all the hours afterwards dancing, eating, cuddling Allissa, chatting, and answering fans' questions.
Suddenly, Charlie Scene walks up to me "Kurlzz,"
"Yes?" I ask.
"There's something that I need to tell you, but it's a secret. So, can we go outside?"
"Ok, sure." I responded. I wonder what it is.

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