Katelynn Hadden

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"Why the hell won't anyone leave me alone?!" I screamed.
"Oh, don't be like that! I'm here to help." The voice responded"Geez, don't have to be so snippy."
"I'm sorry," I replied " It's just that some shit is going on in my life."
"Well, that's ok. I understand. Do you want to talk about it?"
"No, not really, but thanks. By the way, I'm Matthew Bussek. Better known as Da Kurlzz."
"I know you! I'm a huge fan!" She replied as she grabbed my hand and helped me up" I'm Katelynn, but everyone calls me Kate. It's an honor to meet you."
"Thanks." I replied weakly, but annoyed realizing she was just another fan that'll soon ask me to sign her boobs.
"Do you want to walk with me?" She asked.
I had nothing better to do, so I agreed.
"Let's go to the cafe." She said.
The walk there was very relaxing and it made me calm down and return to reality.
We spent hours talking at the cafe, until it closed and they kicked us out. So, we went to a bar downtown to continue to get to know each other.
We took shots after shots after shots, until the bar kicked us out at three in the morning.
We were so drunk, we just started making out in the elevator, and one thing lead to another.
The next morning, I woke up to find her in my bed, and our clothes scattered everywhere. I felt a little guilty, but I liked the feeling that someone liked me first. Sadly, I couldn't remember a thing that happened.
Then, there was a knock at the door. I put on a pair of boxers, and answered it. It was Johnny 3 Tears, and he looked pissed.
"What the hell, Kurlzz?!" He growled.
"It's not what you think!" I replied, trying not to wake Kate.
"Oh, so you 'accidentally' ended up with a random fan in your bed. I'm telling Charlie!" He stated furiously as he stormed off.
Oh, shit! He's gonna tell Charlie! I must stop him!
"Good morning, Matty!" Kate yawned as her voice interrupted my thoughts and her arms wrapped around my waist.
She stayed with me until I had to go practice my drums at noon. While walking down, my brain still overflowed with guilt from last night. So, I walked slowly to think it over.
When I finally arrived, Charlie Scene was waiting for me at the door of the practice room.
"Kurlzz, we need to talk." He said, surprisingly calm.
"O-ok." I answered as we walked to an empty room where no one could hear us.
While walking, my heart beat a trillion beats a minute as fear poured over me like syrup on a pancake.
When we finally enter the room, he said "Matty, I know what happened with you and that fan,"
I gulped.
"You know it's against our rules to sleep with fans, right?"
I nodded.
"Ok then, I decided that I'm gonna let you off with a warning, but if it happens again, you're out of the band."
"Thank you," I replied as we headed back to the recording studio.
Practice wasn't very much fun with everyone staring at me. So, I guess J3T told everyone else too. Damn it!
Finally, when practice ended, I hear crying. It was Charlie. No doubt about it. I walked closer to him, and saw Danny comforting him.
Danny whispered" It's ok, he's an asshole and-"
Danny stopped talking and glared at me,"Leave us alone, asshole!"
So I left on the verge of tears. I ran to my room, slammed the door, and threw my drumsticks at the wall. I picked them up and smashed my belongings with them. I kept smacking until there was nothing left except for broken beer bottles, shattered porno dvds, ripped pillows, and torn songbooks.
Staring at my broken belongings, the waterfalls from my eyes exploded, pouring onto the floor. I bent over and laid in a ball, just crying. Then, I heard a voice outside, preparing to knock on my door. I did my best to look presentable, but my eyes gave away that I was crying.
Then, I heard a knock. I slowly opened the door, and Charlie Scene walked in.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled" I know I should stay away, but I can't. I want you too much."
I was bracing myself to hear that we're not meant to be, but he never said it. He just left.

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