The Truth

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While escaping the wonderland of families, friends, and fans, I notice Charlie is shaking nervously. I hope he'll be ok...
Walking through the crisp, autumn air, I notice Danny and J-Dog making out behind the bathrooms. Danny lets out a long, loud moan as J-Dog's hands rest on his butt cheeks, as and J-Dog's lips begin to bite Danny's neck. Danny hears our footsteps and his eyes shoot open as Charlie and I stroll by.
"Tell anyone, and you're dead!" Danny hisses.
"I won't, but if you two are gonna do that, you should probably go into a stall." I suggest kindly.
"Gracias, mi amigo!" Danny smiles as he guides J-Dog into the bathroom.
Soon after, I hear "Oh, yeah! I like that a lot, Jorel!"
We continue walking. Once we're out of their earshot, Charlie Scene smiles pervertedly "Hope they don't get too freaky deaky with their wives being here."
"Kinky." I smile back.
We travel for a refreshing amount of time that made me return to the world outside of my wedding.
"Here's a good spot." Charlie mumbles.
"OK, so what's the secret?" I ask feeling excited yet nervous.
"I'm not supposed to tell you this, but I'd feel bad if I didn't. So, here it goes...the baby's not your's."
I stare at him blankly "How do you know?"
"I know because...because it's mine."
I don't believe him "What?"
"You heard me right, Matthew Bussek! I got Kate pregnant! Allissa isn't your kid!" He chokes up.
"What the hell?!" I scream at him "Why didn't you tell me this before?!"
"It's a long story." He mumbles.
"Then, tell me the story!" I growl aggressively.
"Ok," he sighs sadly "I'll tell you."
"I met Kate a month before you did at a meet and greet. I signed her tits there, just like we always do, but she also asked to interview me. I asked her why, and she told me she's a music critic that writes reviews for the Billboard 200. I didn't believe her, until she pulled out her employee ID to prove she wasn't lying. I agreed to the interview, but I didn't want additional fans talking to me. So, we found a small dressing room that had a bed, a small chair, and a vanity. She asked me a lot of questions. I answered a majority of them but after a while I was getting annoyed and tired. She kept pestering me with questions and my brain kept drifting off.
On one of her questions, I was so annoyed I spat 'If I show you my weenie, will you shut up?!'
She agreed. I didn't want to break the deal. So,  I whipped it out as her eyes widened and her jaw hit the floor.
'Damn! What do you feed that thing?!' She marveled.
I blushed 'No one's ever told me that, not even Randi.'
She was very pretty. She was so pretty that it hardened in front of her. We both stared down, and then blushed at each other.
What happened next, I'll regret forever.
We were both very tired from long days at work, and didn't want to drive home.
'I'll just sleep here tonight.' I yawned as Kate adjusted her notes.
'I'm too tired to drive home.' Kate yawned as she laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling.
'We could stay here tonight as long as we don't do anything.' I suggested. 'I doubt we will.'
But I was wrong.
Before I knew it, we were both naked, she was on top of me, and I was exploring new territory.
The next morning, I remembered just how amazing last night was. I smiled thinking about it. I played with Kate's hair as she slept, but something seemed wrong. I just couldn't think of what it was.
To figure it out, I went through my thoughts. When I heard the name Randi pop up, I thought of Randi and how I cheated on her. I needed to get home, but I didn't want to leave Kate without explaining why. So, I wrote her a letter about why I needed to leave. At the end of the letter, I left my phone number in case she needed anything.
The day before she told you about Allissa, she and I met up at the café to discuss the same thing. I remember her exact words 'This is really serious and going to sound crazy, but you need to know this. Jordan, I'm pregnant and it's your's.' She showed me the pregnancy test, and it was positive.
She then told me about you and what happened. I was really shocked that I got her pregnant, and found out that she was the fan you slept with. I couldn't tell Randi I cheated on her, and I needed to apologize to you for the night we kissed.
When Kate started crying 'I really like Matt, but if I tell him I'm pregnant, then he won't want to be with me. Also, this is your kid, Jordan. I don't want you to just abandon me. Should I get an abortion? I don't know what to do!' I figured out a plan.
I comforted her while she broke down into tears. At the same time, I started crying for her and my unborn child as well.
When we finally calmed down I told her to tell you that Allissa was your child, not mine. That way, Randi wouldn't know I got a fan pregnant, Kate could be with you, and you'd get my child as an apology...
It was really hard to give her up. That's why I cried at the hospital and argued with Kate.
I whispered to Allissa 'I'm sorry, daughter, but your father can't raise you. Be good to Matthew.'
I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."
I was silent, a lot of questions I had about Allissa made sense now, but I was furious at Jordan. I glared and growled at him.
"Kurlzz...I'm sorry..."
"So your way of apologizing to me is lying to me and deceiving me?!"
He was silent.
"You selfish bastard!" I screamed at him. I hated him so much. "You don't care about anyone but yourself!"
"If I didn't care, I would've abandoned Kate with my child! But I did care, get your facts straight!" He screams back.
"You could've just said 'Sorry I slapped you!'" I yelled with rage burning my insides," You could've told me about Kate earlier! I would've helped you! But no! You had to trick me! I seriously did think she was my child!"
"Kurlzz," Charlie starts to cry "I never wanted it to be this way... I'm sorry...I'd never want to hurt you..."
I didn't care that his eyes drowned in tears, I was too furious to feel sympathy. "Well, too bad because you did hurt me! F*ck you, Jordan Terrell! I hope you burn in hell!"
I kick him in the nuts as hard as I can. I run off crying outraged tears, but glance over to notice him curl into a ball and whimper.
Sprinting through the parking lot, tears blur my vision, but I don't care. All I care about is getting away from this nightmare.
"Kurly, wait!" Kate's voice shouts as she chases me, occasionally stumbling over her wedding gown.
I really want to keep running, but I stop for a few seconds "What the f*ck do you want?!" I yell at her, my voice slightly cracking.
"What happened?" She asks concerned.
"Charlie was right about you being a little whore!" I spat.
She gasped while covering her mouth.
Realizing what I just said, I gasped "Holy shit! I'm so sorry!"
She starts crying "He told you, didn't he?" She sniffles.
"Yes, he did."
"We agreed not to."
"I'm just g-glad *snif* you k-kept your *snif*end of the b-bargain." I sniffed just before exploding with tears.
Waterfalls poured onto the pavement from my blue eyes, only magnifying their color. I bent over just crying like a child who lost their dog. Kate bent over and held me in her arms. I tried to break free, but her grip was iron.
"I'm sorry, Matthew." She whispered as I dried my eyes on her dress.
It hurt to think about all those times when I kissed Kate's stomach when she was pregnant, all those times I kissed Allissa, and loved her like I've never loved anyone else before, all to discover she wasn't my daughter.
I cried all night about it. In fact, I cried about it for the longest time...

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