Part 8

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He made it harder to say anything by his intense stare after he commanded me to tell him about myself.

"I don't know where to start," I said, not finding something special to tell him. I didn't have a special life in particular.

A sight left his mouth, "I know you're not one of them, (Y/N)," he said out of nowhere. My head backed up in shock.

"You aren't like them," His way of talking surprised me, making me look at him in question.

"Pardon me?" I switched position, now sitting with my legs crossed.

"You're different." I shook my head to whatever he was saying. I loved the girls and I loved the popularity. Why was I different from the others when I enjoyed what everybody else enjoyed?

"I'm not different!" I suddenly shouted, covering my mouth right after. Niall started to look around in the room in panic while he shushed me.

"(Y/N), I'm just being honest," his voice whispered. "I don't know you, you don't know me, but..." he paused, "I just know that you're different," his voice still kept itself as calm as possible. "I know I'm not the right person to say this, but-"

"No, you're not," I interrupted him.
Where was his sudden confident coming from? This boy talked to me like we were on the same ranking, which we weren't. Like I said earlier: once a nerd, always a nerd. He didn't have the rights to tell me I was different, because I wasn't.

An uncomfortable aura surrounded us. The room was completely silent, except for my quick and deep breathings. Niall made me completely nervous at that point. This was our third day together and he already told me I was different? It didn't sound either normal or right.

"(Y/N)?" His existence seemed unreal. There was no way a nerd was telling me I was different. I turned my head to face him.

"Tell me about the real you," he tried a second time. I looked at him in difficulty, trying to think of what to say.

"I'm the girl I've always been," I let out.
Niall was shaking his head in disagreement.

"If that's what you're saying," he stood up from my bed, soon with his backpack on his back and started to walk out the door without saying anything. I quickly stood up and ran after him. God, here we go again. The second time my feet forced me to run after him.

"Niall, wh-," the front door slammed as I came down the stairs and he was gone. I walked back up again. He acted so strange. What was up with his sudden confident to just talk to me like that. We barely knew each other. No wait, we DIDN'T know each other at all. Besides, what's up with leaving without saying anything? Did I say anything wrong that made him mad? He just... left.

I reached out to my phone to tell the girls what just happened, but I realized I couldn't. They weren't supposed to know about me having a tutor. Gosh, this was unbearable. Niall acted like he knew me and I couldn't even ask anyone about help or advise.

Later that evening I was laying in my bed, ready to sleep. Every light was shut off and everything was silent. Tell me about the real you. You're different, a voice said. I opened my eyes to see more darkness. My arm reached to my nightstand to turn the light on. No one was in the room. I furrowed my eyebrows as I closed my eyes again, deciding to keep the lights on. You aren't one of them, the voice spoke again. This time I chose not to open my eyes a second time. I knew I was alone in the room. Blonde hair showed up in my mind. Niall. It was his voice. I could clearly recognize his raspy but light voice.

"You know you're different," his voice whispered like he was next to me. I shook my head, hoping his face would fade away, but it was no use. You don't even know yourself, he said with a chuckle. My palms rested on each side of my head, squeezing my head a little.

"Go away," I whispered. His face faded away, but appeared again after a few seconds.

"Stop," I repeated like a psychopath and I sure felt like one too. This couldn't be normal. A person who meant nothing to you wasn't supposed to occupy your thoughts.
Was it going to be like this the rest of the year?

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