Part 10

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Great, a new week with more school, homework, classes and ugh… Niall. It was because of him I barely got any sleep last night. His voice kept bugging me for what felt like forever. After hours I had to face the fact and go with it even though I would lose my beauty sleep.

In my luck, the day had gone away quickly. I mean, after half-sleeping through the first lesson it all felt much better. It was only one class left until I could go home.

“Talk to you later!” I shouted to the girls who were weaving at me before we separated and left to different classrooms.

“It’s the last class for today, (Y/N),” I breathed out, standing in front of the classroom door. “One hour until you’re allowed to leave this place,” I told myself. A smile appeared on my face by the thought of coming home to my soft and comfortable bed. I opened the door.


I could see Marcel sit on the front row and next to him was, ehm… Niall. His eyes were staring me down just as I walked in and found a seat on the other side of the classroom. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore the fact that we actually were having a good time yesterday, until he changed the subject and ruined the harmonious atmosphere we finally managed to build up.

I haven’t thought about what happened yesterday, but his face was some kind of reminder that made my head go through a flashback. What happened yesterday kept repeating inside my head. From when he asked to tell me about myself, to when he suddenly marched out our door. It was completely confusing and surprising at the same time if you ask me. To be honest, it kind of pisses me off when I thought about it. He could at least give me a reasonable explanation why it was so important to him to get the question answered. Besides, there wasn’t possible to answer the question. The real me? Well, the real me was the person he couldn’t stop staring at in class. The person he asked me about was the popular (Y/N) who didn’t want anything to do with him from the beginning. He was just a new transferred student with a strange sense of fashion. 

Well, I couldn’t tell him who I was either, because if he really listened or even paid attention, he would know that I was the popular one and that I was, let’s face it, a bitch. Easier said; we were the opposite of each other.

My eyes went automatically in Niall’s direction. Luckily, he was busy talking to Marcel so he wouldn’t notice me staring at him. 

The teacher walked inside, saying good morning to the class before she turned to the black board and started to write words that were unreadable from the back where I was sitting.

Sudden warmth crept upon my body, as I felt someone was hunting me. I looked around in the room in confusion when my eyes suddenly met Niall’s, who were already staring at me. The room kept getting warmer as it felt like two suns were warming up each of my cheeks, giving them a rosy color. We both looked at each other before I managed to pull my eyes away to look down on the desk. I didn’t understand that boy. Yesterday he left without telling me why and now he was staring at me like a creeper in class? My heart started to pump faster. Ba bum. Ba bum. Ba bum. My feet wanted to lift my body up from the chair and run, but that would’ve been strange, right? I looked up at the clock. 50 minutes left until we could go. Geez, the faster the day ended, the better. 

Through the whole class, a yawn left my mouth every five minutes. The words my teacher wrote down in front of us kept dancing around on the board, which made it unreadable and just caused me massive headaches throughout the lesson.

When the black board became useless, I tried to listen to the teacher’s words instead, but concentrating wasn’t as easy as I thought. You see, I couldn’t resist not looking at him. Why? You tell me. It was my eyes desires, I guess. The way he was writing down in the book was like an interesting performance. No, (Y/N). Stop it. You don’t want anything to do with him. Don’t think about him. He was just another nerd, he was nothing to me.

Everyone still packed their stuff while I already was on my way down the empty hallway, listening to a random song on shuffle.

I checked my pockets, trying to find my wallet. There was a gas station right nearby the school and my body was screaming for a coffee, and I really needed the caffeine at once. My hands kept searching through my pockets, then my bag, but my wallet was nowhere to be found.

 Suddenly, I could hear feet tramp against the stone floor and I could tell it wasn’t from the music. I snapped one of the earplugs out. Someone was running and they were running in my direction.

“(Y/N)!” I heard behind me. I chose to ignore the person. There was no way I had time to talk to someone when my wallet was missing.

“(Y/N), wait!” A boy’s voice kept shouting at the top of his lungs. I breathed out heavily before I tramped my leg down in frustration and turned around.

“(Y/N)…” He said with his last breath, trying to recover his lungs with oxygen. Talking about luck, guess who it was.

“What do you want?” I asked, kind of irritated. “And don’t come up with more of your bullshit questions,” I hissed.

“I-uh-you,” Niall stuttered awkwardly.

“Yes?” I waited, beginning to get impatient. If anyone saw us, I was doomed. Luckily, the hallway was almost empty. There were only a few other students down in the corridor, but they wouldn’t recognize us due to the long distance.

“You-eh- forgot you wallet,” Niall finally spoke out, reaching the wallet out to me. I looked at his hand for a second. He didn’t have the tanned hands like my exes, but they were shockingly clean. I shook my head, coming back to reality. My hand reached out and grabbed it in a slow pace.

“And hey, I’m sorry for what happened last night… Bad day, I guess,” He added.

“Thanks,” I said, starting to walk slowly. I held my wallet close. I knew how people on this school were. If someone ever found a wallet, they would find the credit card and look at the photo for sure. If it weren’t for Niall, everyone at school would know about before tomorrow. The photo was taken years ago, back in my bad days when I looked like a homeless girl. My past wasn’t as clean as people knew. You see…

The school bus interrupted my thoughts as it came in sight and as always, people squeezed together as a group of sheep, a group of pushing and annoying sheep to be clear. I was standing at the edge of the sidewalk, feeling people push me from behind. Geez, people couldn’t stand still. The bus came closer in high speed. Suddenly, I felt an outstanding push against my back. “Oh my God!” I heard people scream. Every smell around me was becoming smellier and every sound became louder. I could hear the bus coming even closer by the sound of its engine. My body felt weightless. I couldn’t feel the ground beneath my feet anymore. “(Y/N)!” I heard a scream, a recognizing scream. I couldn’t feel anything. Like I said, I felt weightless. “(Y/N)!” I heard a second time. Niall. I couldn’t see him, but his voice was too hard to forget. “Let me through!” His voice was disappearing. Every sound I heard earlier disappeared. Ba bum. Ba bum. My heart pumped slowly. Ba bum. Ba bum. Ba bum.


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