Part 27

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I was starting to realize how badly I needed him in my life. Why did I feel this so suddenly? I had a more controllable life before he appeared. I had the girls and everything was fine… until I realized they were as fake as their boobs.

Even though our situation was difficult at the moment, he still made me see the real side of life; it was about feelings and taking care of people you wanted in your life, not about fashion and shoes.

Ever since my traumatic dream two days ago, my mother wouldn’t let me out of her sight, which also meant she wouldn’t let me visit Niall the next couple of days before Christmas. What she didn’t know was that I didn’t want a stupid jacket for Christmas; I wanted Niall. I wanted to curl up in the hospital bed with him and cuddle until all the Christmas stuff was over. Well, I would rather cuddle up in his bed, but we all knew he wouldn’t be able to go home for a long time. As I saw it, he was strong enough, but there wasn’t a point in taking risks anyway.

I laid my head back down in the pillow, lifting my hands up to reach up to the ceiling. I was pretending to reach out my hand to grab his, which basically was what I had been doing the last days – pretend and see illusions.

I imagined myself we lived in an apartment together, both perfectly healthy. He would come home from work as I made the dinner ready. When I heard the door close, I would run towards the front door and jump in his arms to hug him, and he would catch me in the air and spin me around. We would kiss each other endless times before we fell asleep to let one another know how badly we needed each other. Nothing could separate us, not even death. What a perfect life that would’ve been. Sadly, it was all made up in my head.

- - -

Four days later…

Time was going painfully slow. All I had been doing the last days was to stay in my bed and keep pretending like everything was perfect, like the life I was living in was an illusion and my dreams were reality.

“Merry Christmas!” My father opened the door and walked in.

I dragged the duvet down to see him, groaning in respond.

“Your mother is making us delicious breakfast, sweetie, “ he leaned against the doorframe.

Again, I groaned.

“Let me sleep,” I practically commanded. He knew I didn’t like the Christmas after what happened God knows how many years ago. I used to count the years, but after all the meetings with my psychologist several years ago, she helped me forget. Now I can barely remember any numbers that was being said to me.

“We have a surprise for you as well,” he grinned.

“I told you already; I don’t need any presents. It’s a waste of money,” I sat up and crossed my arms.

“It isn’t a present, honey,” he laughed, “there’s a difference between presents and surprises. Come down and see it yourself,” he simply notified and walked off.

For probably the hundred time, I groaned. My feet kicked the duvet away and I found myself stretching while sitting on the bedside. I didn’t bother to change and walked down in my pajamas.

“What is it-“ my body froze completely. Everything inside me stopped working for a second or two.

“What – why – how?” Was all I managed to utter.

“Hello to you to,” the angelic voice spoke as the mouth was full of food.

Right in front of me, like a prayer had been answer, sat a familiar body shape by the table with my parents, eating like he was a part of the family. What was I thinking? He already was a part of it.

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