Part 19

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The weekend went by quickly. My parents made me come with them to my grand parents’ house, which was on the opposite side of the country. Niall and I actually made plans for that weekend, but we sadly had to cancel them. I tried to call and send him messages throughout our trip, yet he didn’t answer. Horrible thoughts about him being mad at me kept repeating through the whole weekend and I couldn’t wait to get home to apologize for the sudden change in our plans.

I stepped off the school bus and as I was prepared to see a Niall stand at the spot he always stood on. In my surprise, he wasn’t there. I mean, he always waited for me, but maybe it was too cold now, due to all the snow that came after the weekend? I shrugged my shoulders and headed in side, hoping to see him inside. No. He was nowhere in sight.

My head snapped higher up when I saw Marcel walking inside the classroom almost at the end of the hallway. I ran as fast as I could, desperately to ask where my Niall was. Not seeing him for three days felt strange, since we always used to hang out together at least every other day.

“Marcel!” I yelled as I entered the classroom. He jumped in surprise and swiveled around, facing me. Usually he would smile like the happy kid he was, but his face expression showed me otherwise.

“(Y/N)…” he delayed, “Hey.”

“Are you okay?” I asked, even though I wasn’t interested in the answer.

He cleared his throat, “Y-Yeah, and you?”

“Not important right now, have you seen Niall?” My desire to see him was unbearable, “I haven’t seen him anywhere,” I shortly added.

“No,” he voice started to hack, causing him to clear his voice again, “No, I haven’t.”

“Are you sure you’re alright? You sound-“

“I told you I was fine. Don’t think about it,” Marcel barged out, turning his back to me and went to find a seat on the front row.

“If you say so…” I whispered for only me to hear.

I ended up sitting where I used to sit before, in the back. Before I knew it, the school day started, but still no Niall to see.

The New Nerd - Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now