Part 13

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“… There’s something I need to tell you,” his voice shivered at the last word. I had a feeling he wasn’t going to tell about how many degrees the core of the Earth was. By the sound of his voice, this was something serious. I sat up in the bed, getting more comfortable and ready for whatever he was going to say.

“Look at me… closely,” he commanded. It wasn’t exactly what I expected him to tell me, but whatever. I did as he ordered and scanned his face; acnes, a pale face, plump and red lips, blonde eyebrows and his so-so blue eyes.

“So?” I said.

“You don’t recognize me, do you?”

“Niall, honestly, we met a week ago. If I recognized you, I would’ve told you already,” I said, kind of confused. “But if I was supposed to recognize you, why wait so long before asking?”

“I wanted to give you time,” he confessed.

“Time to what?”

“Time to recognize me, of course,” his eyes wasn’t as sparkly as they used to be.

“Why on Earth should I recognize you? You just transferred from somewhere else than here!” I exclaimed. Niall shook his head.

“You’ve changed since then, (Y/N),” he chuckled. He was obviously not listening to me anymore, “In fact, you’ve changed a lot since then,” he added.

“Now you’re just confusing me,” I crossed my arms. It looked like he was in his own world, due to his sudden and wide smile.

“I even remember what you looked like.” I had no words. The only thing he did was to creep me out.

“Enough shit-chat, Niall,” I spoke out, making him snap back to reality.

“Out of everyone, I should be the one you remember the most,”Niall looked down on his lap, “I know your past, (Y/N).”

My eyes widened in shock. He knew? I shook my head repeatable times. He couldn’t be serious, but he was. I could see it on him. It made sense, though. The night he asked me about whom I really was… He didn’t ask because he was curious, he asked because he knew.

“Who told you?” I asked immediately.

“No one told me, (Y/N). I was there. I was there the whole time. Think. Think back in time, back when you were a kid.”

I closed my eyes and breathed heavily.

It was winter. The snow filled the streets, which was unusual here. I played in the snow like the little kid I was, but I wasn’t alone. A young girl, just like me, was there as well. We looked like each other and we acted like each other. People couldn’t see the difference between us. We were twins.

My sister and I were our parents’ little angels and we always did what they told us to. Until that one day.

The snow was everywhere and there was a lot of it. My sister came up with the most brilliant idea, but I was still a little suspicious about it. She told me we could have a snowball fight. However, she didn’t want to have it on the ground like normal kids did; she insisted to have it on the roof. Somehow, she managed to convince me it was a good idea, but in reality, I was scared. Our parents weren’t home and couldn’t catch us, however, I still felt unsure about her idea.

Even though we were small, we made it up on the roof and we both were in pure bliss. It looked like it was more snow on the roof than it was on the ground.

We both picked up a handful of snow before we started to throw it on each other, laughing as each one of us got hit.

“Shhh, stop, stop, daddy is back,” she whispered as she looked over the edge and saw his car park in the garage. On the other hand, I was too busy laughing, so I didn’t even notice her saying something at all.

Eventually, my twin sister was suddenly close to the edge, keeping an eye on daddy to make sure he didn’t see us. I was too far away to see and threw the snowball I used the longest time on, making it harder than the other ones. I never knew my life was seconds away from being changed forever.

She yelled my name as the snowball left my hand in full speed. I gasped. I tried running towards her, but it was too late. Her feet were no longer attached to the roof. I leaned over the edge in case I could grab her. Sadly, she was already laying on the ground, several feet underneath me. I screamed, loudly.

I closed my eyes as I saw daddy running out from the garage. It only took seconds before I heard him scream as well. My eyes opened and looked down on daddy. He looked up at me with anger in his eyes. It was my fault, and he probably knew it as well.

- I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to remember everything. -

I looked around, trying to find a way down, but my eyes stopped when I saw people surrounding outside our driveway. Among all the adults a short boy caught my attention. The same boy who was in my class was standing there, eyes wide. I recognized him now. He saw what happened with the blue eyes I adored.

People got scared of me after words, including my parents. They looked at me like I was a murderer. I heard a lot of different perspectives from the incident, too. People said I pushed her off by purpose, which obviously wasn’t true. The same boy that used to be my best boy friend turned against me. Niall became a bully instead of a supporting friend.

I looked up at Niall with anger and realization. Tears tickled down my cheeks. He was the one calling me the names that scarred themselves into my skin. He was one of the reasons I had invisible scars. He wasn’t transferred from another country. He was fake and a liar.

“Why didn’t you say something until now?” I asked, kind of pissed.

He shrugged his shoulders, “I was afraid you would do something bad.”

“Like killing you? That’s how you look at me? How did you have the balls to be my tutor if you were afraid of me?” Questions flew out of my mouth uncontrollably. I was about to get out of bed before he pushed me down again. 

“Please don’t waste your strength,” he begged, still holding me down.

“Don’t touch me!” I tried kicking him away with my feet.

“(Y/N), just calm down, I’m not going to hurt you,” he continued to beg. I wasn’t going to give up that easily. By using every muscle in my leg, I managed to kick him in the face, making him groan. He leaned over me and pushed the red button.

After a few seconds went by, a nurse gasped as she walked in the door and saw me kicking Niall like a maniac. She ran towards us and tried to calm me down. I ended up kicking her as well. I felt sorry for her, though. She didn’t deserve the same pain Niall deserved.

“Try keeping her down for another minute, sir. I’ll be right back,” she patted Niall’s shoulder and ran out. Niall did as the told him to and tightened his grip around me.

“Didn’t you hear me? Don’t touch me, you fucking liar!” I could feel Niall loosen his grip around me, but he was still holding me tight.

“Liar?” He asked harmfully, obviously confused.

“Yeah, you’re the biggest liar I know!” I kept yelling at him.

Suddenly, two nurses banged the door open and rushed towards us. I didn’t realize what they were doing as I focused on throwing shit to Niall, until I felt a needle push into my upper arm. It only took seconds before I felt my eye lids turn heavy. Slowly, they started to close. I looked up at Niall one last time. Blood was streaming out of his nose, just like he deserved.

“Fuck you,” I whispered before my eyes shut completely.

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