Capturing titania

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Erwin's PoV

"I'm just here to enjoy the show" they said.
Enjoy murder?
Or history?

Another titan person like the female. I held my swords, this might be them.

"how are you outside the walls?? It is dangerous!! You could die out here"
I told them. This is titan country, it's unheard of for people to still live here!

I didn't know who they were or how they even got out of the walls, but they're a potential threat.

" I know it's dangerous I live here" they said sarcasm dripping from their words.
Have they answered this before? Why do I recognise them?

"It is physically impossible for a human to live outside the wall" Hanji jumped in to the conversation, also as confused.

"Well it wasn't my choice to live here. Oh Look here's the show!" They answer back looking into the distance.
Their choice?
Were they left here?

"Just keep going" a series of voices screamed from the distance.
Squad Levi
Then the female titan must be close.

I signalled for everyone to be ready.

"Titania." I heard them whisper.

soon the squad rose through the firing zone with the female Titan behind them.

(y/n) pov

Harpoons shot out at Titania holding her temporarily.
I couldn't help but feel bad for her all she wants is answers!
"YAHOO!!!" Hanji shouted.

I couldn't help but giggle and smirk at hanji'S adorable titan obsession.

levi's pov
I heard something or someone giggle above me.
It sounded familiar but it wasnt clear. It sounded an.... WHAT AM I THINKING a brat sounding angelic.
I know the only one who was angelic is long dead!!

I have to keep riding!
I command my squad to keep going and to take care of my horse.

I zipped up to Commander Erwin, spotting the hooded figure above him.
Who are you?

After speaking to Commander Erwin, I jumped onto the head of the female titan.

(y/n) pov

I heard Levi talking to Titania but couldn't make out what he said.
But I knew it pissed her off.

I waited for what I knew would happen next. Their fall back plan.
The roar was ear splitting. I could stand it but those around me lost balance, holding their heads and panicking in pain.

Once she stopped, Levi grunted, talking again.

Then I heard them coming.
Cadets and Titans.
THEY DIDNT LISTEN. Those bastards!
The Titans started to eat Titania. During the confusion, most of Levi squad left with human Titania following.
"YOU SHITTY BASTARDS DIDNT LISTEN!!! You and you follow squad Levi! Cadets leave the Titans be and get as much backup as possible! All of you RETREAT EMEDIATLY!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs pointing at the patrol.

As I shouted this, Erwin fired the blue smoke to retreat.

Assuming I was a scout commander, which I was once, they followed my orders.

" What right do you have to order the patrol cadet!!" Levi barked at me, not leaving yet.

" hey pal your in my forest, my home. I am no part of this patrol but I know Titania and her plans so it's my house my rules. Think twice before you use this forest for a trap!!" I snapped back.

I watched his eyes widen slightly, hearing my voice and what I was saying.
I smirked.

'Hello you little prick' I hid a giggle at the old nickname I gave him.

3rd pov

"Levi go to your squad and bring eren back safely, I will go check on the cadets. Hanji clear this up" Erwin spoke, making Levi move his gaze from the figure.

Erwin used the odm gear to fly towards the cadets while Levi ran toward the far screaming of his squad.

Hanji stood staring at the cloaked figure. Staring.
She recognised them and hope sparked within her.

"who are you!" She asked, cautiously. This caused (y/n)'s head to turn to look at the scientist.

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