Testing questions

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(Y/n) PoV

I gulp. Feeling the lump slide down my throat in the awkward silence.
No one knew what to say. So we all stared at each other in silence.

After a long moment I decide to clear my throat.
"W-what is the next question hanji?" I ask, my words catching in my throat.

Eren's PoV

So they've seen the outside world? Awesome! I need to get to know them. If they've trained Annie they could train me!
I could kill all the titans with their help!
My body filled with sparks of excitement.

(Y/n) you are so awesome and I can't wait until you are mine.

Armin's PoV

You poor person. You've been through so much yet you show no signs of ever stopping.
I want to tour the worlds with you, see the oceans of salt! The seas of sand! Forests bigger than the walls can even contain.
I'll make sure you never hurt like that again.

3rd PoV

Hanji coughed, shaken by (y/n)'s story.
She grabbed her board, nodding to the half demon.
"W-well what powers do you know you have?" She asked, trying to shuffle out the group who were all still shell shocked.

"Well obviously I have illusions, it depends on how much blood I let loose as to how big or powerful an illusion is. For example creating a deterrent like a demon hound to scare off predatory animals in a forest will only take one drop. For a distraction to a Titan if I ever need too will be about 2 drops. Something as big as the demon form you guys saw would be about a cup of blood. If I don't give enough the illusion either won't last long or won't be to the detail I need it. If I put too much blood in it may last longer than I need it or if I need multiple illusions I'll run out of blood later down the line" the captain explains their first power.

"As I am a demon I don't need blood to survive but it is favourable if I do have it as it can be accountable to energy or power in the lights. If you run out of power your lights won't turn on. If I run out of blood, I won't have enough energy to make any more illusions, control the ones that I already have made, and I won't have the energy to properly function so I either need to wait until I gain more blood or devour a soul to replenish my energy." They continue, fascinating the group.

"What kind of souls do you need to eat?" Asks Sasha.

The captain smiles.
"A soul is equivalent to a body of blood, so a person, Titan or even a rabbit or fish. The size of the body will decide on the amount of blood I eat so a beetle won't give a lot while a cow would. A Titan is a lot more difficult to get blood from as it burns up once it leaves its body so I usually eat wildlife outside the walls."

"Your demon, crocell, does he work by the same pattern?" Mikasa asks, forcing hanji to write faster.

"Yes, he does, we both have the same power metre I guess. And since he made two blood hounds and used quite a lot of blood to make the demon form so detailed i had enough energy to stop him from killing Eren" the captain explained casually.

"Is this your only power?" Levi asked, sitting on a chair now.

"No, I also have super speed I guess you could call it, regeneration like Eren but not at the same speeds. If it is a smaller cut it won't heal as quick unless I use blood. Larger wounds like a lost limb heal faster so I don't loose blood unnecessarily but it uses a lot of energy so it is usually easier to run away rather than heal in battle. And the last one in human form would be the ability to disappear into shadows. Neither super speed or the shadows takes energy but I don't have much control over it so I don't use them often. Only with crocell's help can I use them. He has full control over it.
Oh! And I guess you can call my hearing sensitive? I can hear and track peoples heartbeats. I use it if I am low on energy and I need to find a soul as close as possible and I use it to track down easy targets." They list gladly answering questions.

"So that's how you got past all of us to get to Eren" Armin said, proudly.
(Y/n) nodded.
"Yes, you see crocell has a separate mission from me. He wants to create as much despair among humans so they can all become demons for hell to enslave. If someone hasn't lead a life that can be judged, a neutral life, then they turn into ghosts like I did. If someone has lead a rather pure life, then they will turn into an angel but if someone lives a wicked life then they will be enslaved by hell as a demon. Crocell believes that if humanity edges closer and closer to extinction then humans will turn to wickedness to stay alive, potentially making demonic contracts. I stop that by being in this contract. I have main ruling over this body and he waits until I need help and he over stays his welcome."

(Y/n) trailed off, still guilty that crocell tried to kill the titan boy.
Connie put his hand on their knee.
"It's okay, you don't have to feel guilty. Our Titan boy will always bounce back"

"And now we know how to slow him down!" Cheered Sasha.

"Drain you of blood and throw you in fire" mikasa said, smiling ever so slightly.

"Seems resonable to me, brat" Levi spoke monotonously in the corner.

"We will use it as emergency measures" Erwin commanded.

"Exactly emergency's, we don't know wether complete revival for you is a limited amount, and if we can learn to keep a balance between you and crocell I'm sure you will be very helpful!" Hanji said, finally finishing her notes.

"Yeah! We could kill titans together!! Wouldn't that be great (y/n)?" Eren said enthusiastically.

Armin nodded.
"Your skills are undeniable, plus if you taught Annie you might be able to help Eren with his powers"

(Y/n) smiled, feeling warmth zip through their veins for once in forever.
"You guys are too kind to me" they smiled, trying not to cry.

Jean hugged the captain first.
"I- we all need you, and we're a team. A team is always gonna be there for eachother"

Eren joined the hug, slightly jealous.

"Yeah! You save our asses so we'll save yours" he smirked.

The rest of the team joined in, squeezing tight on the captain who began sobbing.

"I haven't had a team of friends in so many years" they spoke between their sobs, shaking in the table.

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