Hanji's mission

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Hanji POV

HOW COULD I DO SUCH A THING!! I screamed in my head. I'm such an idiot, (y/n) is never going to want to come home now!
We'll never be able to know what that demonic body can do.

.... a-h! I meant for science sake!!
I can't help my mind wandering.
I rode back into wall rose, galloping back to hq just in time for breakfast.

I need to know our plans for the female titan. That way I can find a way to bring them home.

3rd PoV.

Hanji walked into the mess hall, eating the bread and luxury meat she got for being a high ranking officer. She couldn't help but let her mind wander to the smell of rabbit, beef, pork possibly from old farms or wild pig. Any animal she could dream off, (y/n) had in their little tree house.

How she longed for that much food at her disposal again.
Hanji wanted to know everything, how they lived, what the life was like out there, Titan behaviour patterns away from people, their demonic abilities?
Oh how time was against her.

Levi also collected his rations, eating at his own table. His mind running at 100 miles per hour. (Y/n). (Y/n). (Y/n). (Y/n).
He didn't want them in his head. He needed to focus on someone else.
He looked around the mess hall, Hanji blushing to herself in one corner, ignorant to her squad of 'scientists' all chattering around her.
Eren sat on his own, mourning the deaths of team Levi.
Levi tried to turn his mind to them as well, but barely able to take his mind off the one he now calls ghost.

Hanji finished her food and walked to Erwin's office, knocking on the door.
"Commander" she greeted, walking in when he gave the signal.

"Hanji, got anything to report about yesterday's mission? We still haven't found the identity of the female titan" he grunted, looking at all the battle plans on his desk.

"Commander, I would like to emphasise my point from yesterday evening. There is someone who knows the female titans identity however you won't believe me if I tell you" Hanji spoke, quieter than her usual preppy state.

Erwin looked up from his plans.
"What do you mean I won't believe you?" He asked, calmly and looking directly into her eyes.

Hanji took in a deep breath before speaking again.
"They live close to the wall Maria. They were supposed to be banished outside of wall Maria but was left inside of wall Maria when the colossal titan struck." She looked into Erwin's eyes, making sure he knew she was serious.

"I'm sure you'll remember them if you saw them" she said last. That made Erwin's eyes grow large. He knew exactly who she meant.
"The 'cadet' in the forest, the one who said they were here to enjoy the show" he said,
"Don't tell me that was..." he trailed off, thinking of the possibility.

Hanji bit their lip and nodded.
"Levi and I visited them only a few hours ago. They know the female titan I am sure of it" she said, smiling softly.

"Know the female titan or are the titan?" Erwin asked after a moment. He was hesitant to believe hanji'S words.

Hanji gasped. "No! They're a demon not a titan" she said, defending the banished friend.

Erwin huffed.
"So you're saying they can help us?" He asked, hesitating again.

Hanji nodded, her preppy energy coming back to her.
Erwin hummed, deep in thought.

"Alright, how do we get them here?" He said, standing and staring at Hanji.

Hanji gasped.
"I know how but we can't have a big squad. The more people, the more Titian's will be attracted. If we use smoke guns I'm sure they'll be able to find us and make sure we get to theirs safely." She rambled, suddenly very excited.

Erwin hummed.
"Alright, it will just be us two, and we will wait for the sun to fall to go and collect them.
We leave for wall sina in the next few days and we must figure out the titans identity by then"

Hanji nodded, continuing her day as best she could. Her mind always escaping to (y/n).

Soon the sun had started to fall. Erwin gave the signal and Hanji ran for her life, running through the mess hall and grabbing Levi's attention. Erwin ran too not long after, both grabbing horses and riding off, a third in tow.

Levi stood shocked, jaw to the floor. His heart pounded, hoping they were going back for the ghost he left behind.

He growled and slammed his hand on the table, forcing himself to walk out and prepare the carriages to travel to wall sina.

(Y/n) POV

I was barely able to rest. My mind whirring about hanj and what happened in the tree house.
I walked outside and drank some water from the mineral streams which managed to make me regain some strength.
I looked around for a rabbit or dear to possibly grab or some berries from a bush nearby. They are in season right?

But as I looked I saw nothing, not even a titan nearby to entertain me.
I sighed, washing my face in the stream. It was too shallow to house fish and frogs I could never catch. Too rare and too slimy.
I listened to the bird song suddenly stop as I hear growling behind me.

Rolling my eyes I turned to see a wolf, full size, hungry male. Teeth bared and growling, sport hanging off it's lips and the fur of a fresh kill stick between its teeth.
I sighed.
"Not even you are entertaining boy. I'm sorry"

It carried on growling at me. Not backing down.
"Wow, such a young being. Problem is I'm not that tasty for you. And also" I hum, talking to the wolf.

"I'm prey that likes to bite back" I growl, cutting my thumb on the rocks in the water and splashing black hot blood on the ground.
It hissed and puffed. The wolf thinking nothing of it until a hell hound, twice it's size, sprung from the splatters.

Midnight black and eyes red like the devil. Snarling it's fangs at the wolf.
The wolf yelped and sprinted back in surprise.

I sighed again.
"Sorry I had to scare you pup. But I don't like attacking when I don't have to"
I look at the hell hound, still growling.
I roll my eyes.
"Oh get a grip, not like you could do anything anyway"
I spit at the hound, slicing it in two with my bare hands. But it just collapsed into a cloud.

"Stupid illusions" I mutter before walking back to the edge of the wood.

I stretch my back and jog to bring some heat into my skin, getting to the edge of the forest for an evening run. Bursting out of the wood into the orange glow of the eve.
"What an ever so boring day"
I huff, starting to jog some more only to hear a shot from behind me.
I freeze and turn to see smoke. White? Grey?
What colour is that?

It's grey, definitely grey. That's the colour of regroup?
But why now? Who to regroup?

I jump onto the tallest trees to see three horses and two riders running directly to my forest.
"Hanji?" I mutter. My eyes filling with life.

"This just got interesting" I giggle.

Hey guys Abbi here,
I've figured out an uploading schedule.
I want to be uploading every Monday and Friday and occasionally Thursdays.

How do you guys feel about that?

Lemme know

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