Erwin's ending

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3rd PoV

"The royal council has come to a verdict. Captain (y/n) (l/n) you are deemed a value to the human race. You are put under the care of Commander Erwin under the condition that if you become a threat to anyone's life, you will leave immediately" the messenger smiles, as relief fills the room. Tears of joy flowed from the scouts as Erwin jumped over the stands and grabbed the keys. He unlocked the chains keeping (y/n) and Crocell to the floor. The demon dropped into the pool of blood.
The whole team ran forward and jumped onto the demon in happy tearful scream.
(Y/n) forces Crocell to smile, letting the team lift up their deadweight body.

"I know you want (y/n) but you're going to have to wait until we heal up a bit more so they can handle the current pain situation without dying" he chuckled, feeling every muscle tense and contract in an attempt to deal with movement.

Some military police growled and grumbled while others waved happily.
They pulled (y/n) out of the court room and onto the carriage. Erwin jumped in with them as everyone else jumped onto a horse.
"Quick! Back to the base and we can start a bonfire!" Yelled Sasha as everyone charged forth.

Crocell looked up at a very concerned Erwin.
"It'll be okay I promise, demons are immortal for a reason right?" He joked, coughing and choking again.

"(Y/n) isn't a demon though?" He muttered.

"They are a ghost, technically a demon as well but we can't die, we just fade when no one remembers us, this will be fine" Crocell groans. Erwin sighs.

"Alright, but (y/n) I'm promoting you to my right hand. We will co command" Erwin announced which made Crocell raise his eyebrow.

"Brave move sir, but they say they are happy to accept"

Y/n PoV

From that moment, I became commander Erwin's literal right hand. We did everything together and no one could separate us.

Every mission we charged in together, side by side. We fought battles in wall Maria and back at home. But it was around three months after this day that Erwin asked me on a date. Considering he took more than eternity to muster the courage I agreed. It was wonderful, a star light picnic atop of wall sina before having to deal with the beast Titan issue when that was a new issue.

We then found all the human titans and the day before the mission to claim wall Maria, I proposed to him.
He agreed obviously and we got married that day.

Yes yes it was a bit rushed but end of the world and all that, can't really wait to send out save the dates you know?

It was gorgeous! And we even managed to splash out on meat rations for everyone. They went psycho for it, but it was the best day of my life. We had the (favourite flowers) picked out and Mikasa, with a lot of help from Connie and Sasha, managed to put up my hair and do some sort of make up while Hanji made a dress out of button up shirts.

Erwin wore his cleanest full formal uniform and cried like a baby, he couldn't even finish the vows.
That evening we left for wall Maria, we rode at the front together, passing the frozen and asleep titans in the new moonlight.
But we carried on, planning every Avenue and talking to Armin about his idea of what to do.
We all had our hoods up, even as we were travelling.

That day, Erwin died on the battle field. He was slaughtered by the beast Titan but managed to regain wall Maria.
Levi had to chose between resurrecting him or Armin... but he looked to me.
In that moment I wasn't sure, but Crocell made the decision for me.

He told Levi to resurrect Armin, told him how Erwin will be a ghost like me.
Crocell comforted Levi before jumping over the walls and said his goodbyes to me.
He repossessed one of the younger cadet's body's and used it as his new vessel. My body dropped below me and I became a ghost.

A plain ghost. Crocell took me back into the walls and I took Erwin's hand, pulling his spirit towards mine as we kissed above walls below us.

Back home, they gave him a funeral. Even Crocell dressed up for the occasion.
The whole squad were in shreds of tears as they felt their hope was lost.
But me and Erwin just sat on his coffin, smiling at our world. Fingers intertwined as he played with my twig ring.

Crocell gave us one last gift, showing the room an illusion but it was almost like a video of us. He showed them what we were doing right then and there. We smiled and waved at them all, leaning on eachother.

They all broke down into more tears but waved back, shouting their goodbyes and praises.
Even old man Pegasus shed a little tear.

Crocell then waved at me, kneeling down at my feet and thanking me for summoning him. He gave me one last drop of blood which gave me the power of weak illusions only ghosts could see before turning and walking out the church. In the doorway was a tall slinky figure that smiled a crooked smile at Crocell. Crocell rid himself of the vessel and embraced his partner before disappearing into the shadows.

I smiled before me and Erwin stood, walking out the church and shutting the door behind us. We travelled the world from that point. 'Meeting' the people outside of the walls and meeting other ghosts who hadn't moved on yet. We dove to the bottom of the ocean and climbed mountains. We even haunted a home and used the last gift Crocell gave us to make two permanent illusions.

Our haven was complete

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