Crocell's secret ending

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3rd PoV

"The royal council has come to a verdict. Captain (y/n) (l/n) you are deemed unsafe for this world and are therefore sentenced to death, by any means necessary" the messenger hesitantly states, sadness filling his voice.

The room stayed silent after the message, everyone's voices was caught in their throat. Hanji felt her knees collapse below her as Sasha began to throw up. Connie's breath shook while his body shook in fear. Eyes wide, Jean just stared, numb to the touch. Armin broke down into instant tears as Eren began to yell and scream. Mikasa felt tears brim on her eye lids, holding Eren back from the council but not having the strength to shut him up.
Levi grit his teeth and prepared to leap over the desk but was forced into his seat by a mortified Erwin.
Even the military police stood in fear and sadness, refusing to move as the silence froze them in their spot.

Crocell however, was the angriest of them all. Black and red blood coated the floor as the beaten devil felt hellfire rise under his skin.
Every muscle in the devil's body began to tense, pushing his hands into the floor of redish inky blackness.
The low rumble of unforgettable demon song gave his voice depth. His anger obvious as he spoke.

"Excuse my rudeness, BUT WHAT THE FUCK!" He screamed, shaking the stands. His eyes slowly lifted from the floor, skin glowing red as he began the process of splitting his soul from (y/n).
"(Y/n) has done everything for you, we have kept your secrets of the outside world, protected you from titans! Protected you from me!" He hissed, his body was leaving (y/n)'s shell. A black figure emerged from their corpse, skin-like wings with horns at every joint pointing out of his back, hoofs lined with fur stomped on the ground below him as a  whip like spiked tail fell from his hips. Hair was replaced with lion like mane, as his horns grew twice as sharp and three times as tall. His chest expanded into a wall of gorilla like muscles. A mouth like a saw with rows of teeth began to tear open his face, snake like red eyes bore holes into the council's souls.
For once they had a being tower over them.

The room began to heat to a terrible inferno, almost melting the metals of chains and ODM gear.

"They gave their life for humanity twice and this is how you repay them? You took your chance at redemption and you killed it, stomping on it like shit on your shoe. Unfortunately, now you've pissed off the one devil you should've never wanted to cross" Crocell growled, anger growing in his voice.

The blood at his feet began to swirl and pulse, filling the floor as if it was being poured from the windows.
It leaked through the cracks in the brick and built bars across the doors. The liquid bubbles and boiled, moulded and moved around the room until it formed bars along the doors and windows.

Fear was shot deep down into the hearts of everyone in the room but it was too hot to move.
Levi attempted to jump up, getting caught by the hot tar like liquid in his attempt.
Some of the military police screamed, frantically shooting at the liquid as it seemed to follow them and grab at them. Crocell chuckled and growled, gritting his teeth in an animalistic grunt.

"If your decision is still the same then allow me to help you." He muttered, turning to the body on the floor. Levi squad began to panic, jumping and swiping at the liquid to save their beloved captain.

Crocell just grunted.
"I'm sorry you didn't have more time with them. But a deal is a deal" he hissed, lifting them up by their neck to his eye level.
His tongue traced around their lips, a snake tasting its food.

His jaws opened wide before he sunk his teeth into a major vein, blood splattering into the puddle more. (Y/n)'s eyes opened as the teeth sunk into their skin but they were powerless against it.
Crocell drained all life from the body, making sure nothing was left.
Once he was done, he placed their corpse in the middle of the room and shut their eyes.
Levi felt his heart get torn from his cold shell. You have left him again.
Hanji screamed, slashing at the thick liquid below her feet. While the others stood monotone, tears pulsing down their cheeks but the inky liquid had already reached their knees.

"Thank you for everything my friend" he whispered, standing up fully again and turning to see the council try to break out.

"My dear council, do you wish to be displayed as my god?" He smirked, holding out a claw like hand in temptation. From the goop, a few spike rose up to the devils height.
The council froze, screaming for help.

"Too bad you're not worthy for a death as such" Crocell screamed, tears choking his every word. The spikes shot forward and crucified every royal council member before slicing their throats.

Crocell began to slaughter every being in that room other than the Levi squad (y/n) loved so much.
He took them to a safe space above the wall and forced them to watch as he broke down the walls, crushing multiple towns along his way. He tore down the defences and ate the souls of some of those who fought back. He plucked the trees (y/n)'s home was situated upon and made his way out of wall Maria and out to the ocean.
He lay the squad and the house just at the beach where his hoofs sunk into the sand. As they were sleeping, Crocell walked into the ocean. His fire burned out against the salty sea and so he turned into volcanic rock.

Crocell made himself into an island safe from titans for the Levi squad to live in honour of (y/n)

And thus ends our story!
I hope you enjoyed this rather morbid ending, I certainly did!!

Love you guys so much I am going to miss writing this story

Just a quick poll in the comments I planned to do two more endings before this a Hanji x Erwin x Levi one and a Jean and Connie one but I had no ideas so I just skipped them. If people really want them then put a 'please' in the comments and if not then put 'no' or don't comment

Anyway thank you for the best 4 years, be ready for some original works from me in the future namely rewrites of old fanficfions as original stories!!!
Hope to see you soon!!

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