The hostage treatment

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3rd PoV

Four guards stood around (y/n), surrounding them. Hearing a mutter their attention turns to the demon in the chair.

"Now now crocell we're playing nice" they say, putting a shudder down the soldier's spine.

"The fuck did you say?" Growled the tallest soldier.

"Nothing, I wasn't talking to you sir" the demon hummed again, raising its head in the bag.

"The hell do you mean you weren't talking to me? I'm the only one in here" he smirked, the others bit their tongue almost smirking.

"Well that's not true, one there are three other blood scents around you. Even so I wasn't talking to any mortal. I'll show you who I was talking to" the demon spoke which made crocell smirk widely.

They dropped five droplets of blood from their thumb which turned to smoke. The smoke circled into the corner of the room until a large shadow curled up and hit the ceiling. They could see a long but muscular figure with four arms and goats legs instead of humans. Teeth that looked like a lions but the fur of a wolf. Black wings sprouted from its back that pushed against the corner. Antlers pushed out from its head as snake eyes glowed from the shadows.
The creature smirked at the pure fear on the military's face as every soldier looked in terror.

"This is crocell~ who i was talking to." The demon in the chair hummed as the illusion collapsed into black dust, falling to the floor and disappearing.

The soldiers screamed and aimed their guns causing the demon to chuckle.
"Settle down, I am no threat to you... and neither is he. We'll be obedient... for now~"

The soldiers inside the carriage started to call for commanders.
"Sir! The target can teleport in darkness! We need light!"

A few hours passed and (y/n)'s cell was now flooded with light, their body was put into straight jackets so they could not injure themselves and cause an illusion.

'Well this is beyond humiliating' crocell growled in the captain's head.

"I know right, thoughout my life, after every near death experience, and every death. Who would even think this is where it comes to" they mutter, giggling.
"Kinda funny though."

'Absolutely' crocell laughed. Holding his sides. The captain chuckled loudly, scaring the soldiers around them.

"It's a shame, there is so many more things I want to do here." (Y/n) hums, feeling their body relax.

'We'll always have our next life (y/n), it may be hell but it'll be a life' Crocell sighed at the idea of going back to hell.

"Nah, this life has been great, I'm just glad we're not ghosts anymore Crocell. No matter what happens, I'm thankful I found your temple"

'For once, I'm quite happy you did'

(Y/n) felt their energy drain as they drifted to sleep.
'Goodnight (nickname)'

In the distance, (y/n)'s pup lead the Levi squad to wall sina.
"Captain!" Armin yelled, riding closer to Levi.

"If this illusion is leading us to captain (y/n) and from what section commander Hanji told us about when they were sent out the walls, if the court has found them inside the walls without permission then I think their plan is to put them to trial again, or the worst option, attempt to kill them" Armin said, solemn but determined. Levi hummed, staring at the dog.

"You're right, do you know if Erwin is close by?" He asked.

Armin nodded.
"Not far behind us no"

"Alright. We'll have to ask him about the legality of everything and how we're going to fight this. Our problem is the captain themselves. They have the power to walk out of here easily. But instead they send a dog to collect us... I don't understand" Levi started to mutter the last part.

"Go talk to Erwin! Sasha Connie! Look over the edge of the wall and see where the dog goes.
Everyone else, stay here. We'll group and form a plan!" Levi commanded. Armin fell back to talk to Erwin as the rest stopped by the gate.

Sasha and Connie scaled the wall as they watched the very high detailed pup phase though the wall and charge through the wall. As it pushed through, it morphed into a full hound, running faster before charging into an underground tunnel.

(Y/n) PoV
I woke to the sound of barks and screams. My eyes rolled open as I saw the hood was pulled off my head and in the jaws of my hell hound. It growled at the team of soldiers that were trying to tackle it.

I chuckle.
"Settle dip, I'm okay" I hum as the dog stops growling and sits by my side, it's head lifting to rest on my hand with ease.

"Good pup. I trust you did your job" I mutter to it.
It nodded, making me smile.
"Good boy, thank you dip" I purr as a shot was fired, the bullet piercing through the illusion and dispersing him into dust.

"Heartless soldiers. He was barely five hours old" I whine mockingly.
The superior growled before punching me in the face.


"I've had enough of your yapping! The high court never said anything about you being in full shape so I want some fun" he growled, smirking.

He started kicking and punching, breaking every finger in my hand. Every blow hurt, like he was trying to kill me. I felt the blood inside me curl as his fist connected with my stomach.
Every other soldier watched as he pulled my hair and launched my chair into the wall.

He grabbed a needle and injected me with a heavy sedation, enough to make my limbs useless but not enough to put me to sleep.
He started to break my arms and legs. Pounding my head against the concrete.

"The commander predicted you could heal quickly, so I'm just going to test that theory~" he growled, grabbing a plank of wood and stabbing it into my back.
I screamed, wailing as pain throbbed though my body.
I saw as crocell curled over. I knew that pain was doubled to the person not in control so he was shaking.
The guy started kicking my sides and my head, pulling out a knife and reaching for my clothes.

"I haven't had the touch of a person in days~ hopefully I'll have enough time to use you for more than a punch bag." His eyes glittered with a sick sense of power as he started to unzip his trousers.

Crocell growled.
'THIS BASARD IS GONNA DIE!' He yelled, trying to force my blood to change into an illusion.

I tried to help him but we were both out of energy.


I felt tears well in my eyes as he got closer until I heard.

"GET THE SUBJECT READY FOR TRIAL" yelled a commander, walking to the cell.

The soldier stood up and zipped his trousers back up again.
"Lucky bitch" he spat on me as he left.
The cadets walked into the cell and hoisted my body, clipping chains to my straight jacket and dragging me to the court room.

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