Eren's ending

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3rd PoV

"The royal council has come to a verdict. Captain (y/n) (l/n) you are deemed unsafe for this world and are therefore sentenced to death, by any means necessary" the messenger hesitantly states, sadness filling his voice.

The room stayed silent after the message, everyone's voices was caught in their throat. Hanji felt her knees collapse below her as Sasha began to throw up. Connie's breath shook while his body shook in fear. Eyes wide, Jean just stared, numb to the touch. Armin broke down into instant tears as Eren began to yell and scream. Mikasa felt tears brim on her eye lids, holding Eren back from the council but not having the strength to shut him up.
Levi grit his teeth and prepared to leap over the desk but was forced into his seat by a mortified Erwin.
Even the military police stood in fear and sadness, refusing to move as the silence froze them in their spot.

Eren yelled at the council, practically roaring. Mikasa could barely hold him anymore and so the rest of the team jumped on Eren as he hurled insults and bloodcurdling screams as he watched them uncuff Crocell and (y/n). His anger grew as they dragged their shocked state across the ground into the middle of the floor and allowed the military to aim their guns.

"THATS IT! (Y/N) ISNT A DANGER TO YOU! THEYVE DONE NOTHING BUT HELP US! HOW COULD YOU! THE TITANS ARENT OUR REAL ENEMY! YOU ARE! YOULL DIE FOR THIS!" He screamed, suddenly ripping an arm out of Jean's grip and tearing off his thumb with his teeth. His Titan form manifested and grew around him, the pressure of the room caused the roof to fly off before Eren could crash into it, the heat almost melting everyone's clothes as his roar could he heard from wall Maria. Before the scouts could react, Eren grabbed (y/n) and started running, holding them gently in his hands. He smiled at his hands as they looked up at him with a smirk.

"If got run fast enough, launch yourself towards the wall and tuck your legs in, you'll clear it with ease and land with one knee on the ground and the other be using one hand to push against the floor and the other as counterbalance" they said, teaching him as he ran. He did exactly as they instructed, cleaning the wall while holding onto his love tightly.
He leaned down and grabbed a pig before continuing to run.

(Y/n) could hear the familiar whip of scout wires flying behind them and they bit their lip. Levi had a face of pure anger on while Mikasa attempted to chase him mid air. Armin held back Hanji while Sasha and Connie held back Jean. Erwin however flew above the rest.
He began to get close, cutting eren's ankles before he could reach wall rose. He toppled, collapsing and smashing into the base of the wall.

(Y/n) and their pig flew into the wall as well, sliding down onto the floor in pain.

Erwin flew down and began to walk closer.
"Eren, you realise you're committing a crime against humanity, you're our key to escaping this place! Isn't that what you wanted?" Erwin tried to reason but Eren growled.

"They were going to kill (y/n) and you were going to let that happen! Even you saw the fear in their face and headed their goodbyes! They knew the military could kill them and you were going to sit back and let it happen!" Eren yelled in anger. His Titan form snarled at Erwin to which Erwin chopped Eren's cheeks and let his jaw fall.

"You're taking them away from us and abandoning humanity! If you're going to continue I have no choice but to terminate you!" Erwin threatened. He zipped around eren's Titan form and cut up his muscles, eventually landing back infront of Eren.

"Do you still want to fight me or will you give up (y/n) to us" he yelled. Eren didn't reply but the floor below Erwin's feet began to crackle and split. I demonic growl came from behind Eren before a large black shadowy figure began to project itself onto the wall.

"If he gives me up you'll kill him... I can't let you do that Erwin" (y/n) hissed.
Erwin's eyes widened in shock.

"(Y/n) it's not safe please come back!" He begged. A presence suddenly appeared behind him.

"Wrong answer" Crocell hissed before Erwin's eyes filled with a shadowy darkness.

(Y/n) assumed their demonic form and leaped over the wall and over the titans below, Eren in hand. They ran to the outer edges of the island before sailing out to the corners of the world. They patched up the hole in wall Maria before they left but still. Their lives had been abandoned for one another.

Eren PoV

We spent a lot of our time training and getting to know one another. They taught me the history of our world, and showed me everything until we both began to discover.
We dove to the deepest depths of the ocean and climbed the highest mountains, explored jungles and deserts and even found cities of people to interact with.
Everyday I fell in love with them all over again but our problem was that I grew old where they never aged a day.

And on my deathbed, Crocell walked both me and (y/n) into the depths of hell where we lived the rest of our days as the monsters we really were.

"And I would never do it differently my love" they whisper to me as I finish telling the story. I smirk and kiss the youngest goodnight before leaving the little one's bedroom with my hand locked in (y/n)'s, switching off the light to let our babies sleep

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