Levi opens up

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3rd PoV
(Y/n) ran up to the party. The trio of horses galloping loudly against the ground.

They shrieked, yelling with the voices of 100 tortured souls to scare off any near by titans, eventually meeting with the pair on horse back.

"You came back quickly hanj!" (Y/n) smiled and Hanji blushed, grinning ear to ear.

"So hanji'S muttering was true then." A deep voice comes from behind the mad scientist. (Y/n) stood to attention at the voice.

"Commander Erwin!" (Pronoun) gasped.
He dismounted. "At ease" he said walking up to the (shorter/taller) figure.

"We have an immediate issue which I need information from you (y/n). About the female titan" he stated.

(Y/n) froze. "Titania? Is she here?"

"No but we need to know who they are. They're intent on our ... men" Erwin spoke briefly. Not sure how much they knew.

"Your titan boy. I know. He can make her ordinary again." (Y/n) whispered.
"Any other day and I would've kept her secret. But after yesterday's carnage, I can't forgive them"
(Y/n) looked up to the Commander.
"Do you want the information here or is that third horse here for show?" They asked smirking.

Hanji giggled. "You're coming with us!!"

"On a temporary basis" Erwin stopped her. "We are already in a sticky situation with eren, we don't need to get more political with a demon on our team. You'll be here for the capture of titiania and we can go from there"

(Y/n) nodded.
"So long as I can take home some kind of pillow and better gear then I'm all for it" they said, climbing onto the horse's back.
They rode to wall rose, as a dark voice began to awake in the back of (y/n)'s mind. It was silent, but they knew it was there.

For once, it might be helpful.
They galloped towards the survey-core's old base, (y/n)'s eyes watering at the sight of the castle like building.

"God you will not understand how much a person misses properly built walls" they giggle.

Hanji jumps off and grabs a uniform and gear from a box. Grabbing (y/n)'s hand and dragging them into a private room to get changed before anyone saw.

"Quick, they can't know you're from outside, not yet. We'll tell them you're a new officer. You're out of every book but they don't have time to study" Hanji rambled, shoving the gear and uniform into their arms and shutting the door.

"Hey when will we talk about this morning?" (Y/n) asked, smirking behind the door as they changed.

"A-h!! T-T-t-this m-mor-morning" Hanji stuttered, red in the face with the same googily eyes they'd look at a titan with.

(Y/n) giggled which made her heart pound more. They opened the door to see a flustered Hanji.
(Y/n) smirked and kissed their cheek.

"We'll get back to it at some point but come on, we've got a job to do." They say, walking out to Erwin.

Erwin put away the horses, only a few men were still up and on guard.
"(Y/n) I'm not sure if there is a spare bedroom. You can-"

"My office is free Commander" Levi spoke behind the two, limping from the fight with the female titan.

"The captain can sleep in there" he offered without thinking.

"That certainly makes things easier, and you can make sure levi isn't pacing around at night again" Erwin grumbled, not happy levi offered before he did but attempted to be professional.

(Y/n) shrugged.
"Come on then little prick, you forgot to mention that ankle of yours last time we spoke" they teased, supporting levi against his wishes.

"Let go of me!!" He yelled, (y/n) covering his mouth.
"Do you wanna wake the cadets?" They shushed him and took him up to his office.

He shut up after that, not bothering to fight any longer. Having their body against his was weird though. Warm. Very warm. He felt like he could sleep against them.
He wanted to.

"What's with all the deep thought? Do you hate me because I didn't tell you?" (Y/n) asked sadly, looking down.

Levi had never seen them like this before. Sad. Self conscious.
He barely had time to react before they spoke again, walking into the office.

"You know why I couldn't though! You were so loyal back then and reported everything out the ordinary. Something like me would've been killed on the spot. I hope you can forgive me" (y/n) spoke mournfully.

Levi was shocked.
"You've been angry all day. Not many people can tell but your eyes tell a lot" they chuckle through the sadness.

They suddenly looked up at levi.
"I've missed you all so much, I want you to understand that please. I don't want you to be angry with m-"

Levi saw tears running down (y/n)'s face and in a moment of instinct. Pushed his face forward and pressing his lips against (pronouns).

(Y/n) hummed in shock, leaning back but relaxing after a moment.
Levi stroked his hand on their face and leaning in more, balancing with his knee by their waist and his other hand on the arm of this old couch they somehow lay on.

The couple held their kiss for quite a while, (y/n) pulling Levi ontop of them and curling up with him in their arms as they kissed.

Levi eventually pulled out of the kiss, looking down at a very very flustered (y/n).
Levi smirked and rest his whole weight down ontop of the half demon.

"I hope you're comfortable, because this is how we're sleeping" he spoke in a low gravely voice, almost commanding the (gender).

(Y/n)'s jaw dropped in embarrassed shock.
"B-but if someone walks in?" They ask, looking at their rather suggestive position.

Levi rest just head on (y/n)'s chest so they couldn't see his grin.
"So what, then people will know who you belong to~" he purred suggestively.

(Y/n) sighed and said simply.
"Alright you cheeky prick, if we're gonna sleep like this we're sleeping on a bed." They started, and in one move, stood up, cradling Levi bridal style.

He yelped, scowling at the smirking face of (y/n)
"Second of all, who said I was yours? You'll have to earn that little one" they giggled. Walking into Levi's adjacent bedroom and laying down on the bed.

"Damn brat!" He grunted, shoving (y/n) into the bed and climbing ontop of them again.
"I'm not little" he growled
"And I'll show you how much I want you." He said.

He jerked, motioning he was going to do something more but (y/n) stopped him in his tracks. They ran their fingers through his hair and hummed a soft little tune.

(Y/n) and Levi trained together and slept in the same cabin together. (Y/n) got constant nightmares from the demons that haunted them. This is what levi would do to calm them once everyone was asleep.

He had never done it to anyone else. He instantly relaxed, feeling his heart pound against his ribs as he started to realise what he was doing, suppressing his embarrassment.

"Alright big guy, lets get some rest shall we?" (Y/n) hummed into their song and relaxed themselves, feeling themselves slip into sleep.

Levi unwrapped his arms from (y/n) and changed their position so he was on the bottom. Letting (y/n) use him as a pillow and running his fingers through their hair as they drifted off to sleep.

'They're a lot cuter than I remember. I have to get a control of myself' he thought to himself as he fell asleep with (y/n) in his arms.

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